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Have the U.S government, Saudi Arabia and their allies been secretly plotting a massive ground invasion of Syria?  Earlier this month, defense ministers from 49 countries gathered at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium to talk about what to do in Syria.  As you will see below, Saudi Arabia’s defense minister …

A group of 51 Muslim migrants were brutally assaulted outside a night club in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a night club.

Are Russia and Turkey on the verge of going to war?  In remarks that were almost entirely ignored by the western media, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused the Turkish government of being “secret allies” with ISIS on Friday.  And on Monday, the Russians announced that they would be attempting …

Russia is not alone. Hungary, too. Prime Minister Orban has publicly blasted Soros for the funding and promotion of the Muslim invasion of Europe.Everybody knows …… countries with sense are banning the black hand, here in the US — he’s the puppet master behind the plant in the White House. …

The Kremlin has announced that traces of explosives were found in the debris of the Russian passenger jet that crashed in Egypt last month. According to the Russian Federal Security Service, Metrojet Flight 9268 was brought down by a bomb estimated to contain 2.2 pounds of explosives. Russia initially played down assertions …

Was the U.S. government trying to send a message to someone on Saturday night? Just after sunset, an unarmed Trident II nuclear missile was fired from a ballistic missile submarine just off the coast of southern California that was later identified as the USS Kentucky. It was the absolutely perfect …

Have you noticed that the United States and Russia are heading in two very different directions? United behind a very strong leader with an 89.9 percent approval rating, Russia is stunning the world with the efficiency with which it is striking ISIS in Syria. Of course Vladimir Putin is far …

Thibaut Lepouttre is a highly educated and well-respected economist from Belgium. But unlike many of his counterparts who often tow the line of mainstream politicians and financial pundits, he’s not one to sugarcoat the seriousness of the current global economic, financial and monetary environment. According to Lepouttre, while the Federal Reserve …

The Russians have unleashed their own version of “shock and awe” in Syria, and the brutal efficiency of their airstrikes against ISIS targets has stunned many observers around the globe.  For more than a year, the Obama administration has claimed that its bombing campaign in Syria has been a “success”, …

Carly Fiorina says she would consider shooting down Russian fighter jets if necessary…the same Russian fighter jets that are trying to protect Assad, the Syrian leader who has kept his Christian population safe from Muslim terrorists all these years…until ISIS and the Obama-backed Free Syrian Rebels started trying to take …