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Arkansas Church Excommunicates Sodomite for “Choosing A Sinful Lifestyle”
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. -1 Cor. 6:9-10 Moreover if thy …

Obama Enables Liberal Circle Jerk Logic – Wants America to Embrace Wicked New “Values”
Liberals, who might be better compared to “busybody” Gladys Cravitz, have “circle-jerk” logic that leaves one suffering from headaches trying to figure out how to get them out of the circle. Two good examples are baby murder in the womb and parent rights. Liberals contend it is a woman’s “right” …

Homosexual Man Who Sodomized a Young Boy Will Only Be Getting Thirteen Years in Prison
A sodomite grabbed a 13-year-old boy, sodomized him, and forced him to commit all sort of horrific and very disturbing acts. According to a report: The victim, Padraic Hoban, returned from Australia to attend his abuser John Gannon’s trial and sentencing. Speaking outside the Central Criminal Court on Friday with …

Christian Bakers Refuse to Pay $135,000 in Damages to Sodomite Couple
Well, here’s another test for those of you who believe that Kim Davis was wrong for refusing to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples. A while ago, we brought you the story of Melissa and Aaron Klein who used to own a bakery in Oregon. The Christian couple ran afoul of the …

US Marine Rips Down Street Ad of Sodomites Put Up for Children to See
Homosexuals placed up homosexual imagery in plain view sight for children and others to see. Well, one righteous American marine was so nobly angry that he took a rock and smashed it, he then took the disgusting poster and threw it to the street. Here is the video, with my …

Obama Invites Mentally Ill Sodomite Bishop & Pro-Abortion Nun to Meet Pope
There’s nothing like sticking the evils of our society in the face of Christians. Nevertheless, Barack Obama shamefully invited a sodomite bishop and pro-abortion nun to meet Francis during his visit next week. Breitbart reports: In a stunning show of political indecorum, Obama has invited a series of individuals who publicly …

TN Lawmakers Declare Independence from Judicial Tyranny
Two Tennessee lawmakers are showing the rest of the United States the way to strike a lethal blow against the judicial tyranny of the Supreme Court. Here is how it’s done: by states with marriage amendments declaring the Court’s ruling on sodomy-based “marriage” null and void. The Constitution is utterly …

Tide Commercial Mocks Christian View of Marriage
While it is good to attack the beast system that seeks to set itself against God and His Laws, what are Christians doing to go after the companies that receive money for their products to promote the very agenda that Christians claim to hate? The latest to push the sodomite …

Sodomites to Kim Davis: We Will Kidnap Your Husband, Tie Him Up And Force Him To Watch Us Raping You. We Will Burn You Alive.
Homosexual activists are sending sadistic threats to Kim Davis, saying that they will capture her husband, tie him up and force him to watch them rape her. They also said that they will burn her house as they sleep and burn them to death. Here is the video with the …

Thirty Magistrates in North Carolina Are Now All Refusing To Conduct Homosexual “Marriages”
Thirty North Carolina magistrates are refusing to conduct homosexual “marriages.” According to the report: More than 30 magistrates in North Carolina have refused to perform weddings. But thanks to a new state law, they were able to do so legally. Right after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June, …