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Homosexual Man Who Sodomized a Young Boy Will Only Be Getting Thirteen Years in Prison

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A sodomite grabbed a 13-year-old boy, sodomized him, and forced him to commit all sort of horrific and very disturbing acts. According to a report:

The victim, Padraic Hoban, returned from Australia to attend his abuser John Gannon’s trial and sentencing.

Speaking outside the Central Criminal Court on Friday with his parents and sister by his side, Mr Hoban said he was now considering remaining in Ireland, as “there’s no reason to run away anymore”.

Gannon (71) formerly of Bohea, Co Mayo, had pleaded not guilty to one count of indecent assault, seven counts of sexual assault, four counts of oral rape, one count of anal rape and one count of attempted anal rape of Mr Hoban at his home and locations near his home on dates between 1990 and 1994.

Mr Hoban, who was four years old when the abuse began and is now 28, also issued a statement in which he thanked the jury “for believing the truth of what I endured as a child at the hands of this so called human being”.

In 1995 Gannon was jailed for four years for indecently assaulting Mr Hoban’s two sisters between 1990 and 1994.

In 2010, after attempting suicide, Mr Hoban revealed to his family that he was also abused by Gannon in that time period.

During the trial Mr Hoban told Bernard Condon SC, prosecuting, that one of his sisters had a medical condition and her parents would bring her away for treatment, leaving the other children with Gannon. Abuse often took place when Gannon visited the bedroom where Mr Hoban slept.
Gannon also abused Mr Hoban in a shed used by local children to shelter when waiting for the bus to school. Mr Hoban testified that he was anally and orally raped there on multiple occasions.

On one occasion he recalls a passing car preventing Gannon from carrying out an attack.

He recalled gardaĆ­ visiting his home to investigate his sisters’ abuse but being unable to say anything “for fear of John Gannon”.
When asked on how many occasions the abuse took place in the shed, he replied, “I can say right now it happened five times, six times but it probably happened hundreds of times. It was so long ago.”

In a victim impact statement read to the court by Garda Paul Lafferty, Mr Hoban said he had a good childhood until he was four years old when the abuse began and he lost his childhood “in the cruellest way”.

He said that Gannon was his father’s best friend and he looked on him as a father figure until the abuse began. He said he remembered “a summer day when I was playing on a digger outside John Gannon’s house” when Gannon took him to the bathroom and raped him.

“I cried out when he raped me. I always remember the pain, the fear and my backside being swollen afterwards,” he said. He remembered thinking that abuse must be normal and happen to everyone because it happened so often to him.

Sentencing Gannon to 13 years in prison with the final five years suspended, Mr Justice Tony Hunt said it was a “slightly unusual feature of this case” that Gannon had already served a sentence for abuse and been released into a community where he was shunned as a known sex offender.

The sodomites grow because the weakness of Christians abounds. When was the last time someone looked afar, into the bright light of the sacred, from the holy mountain of divine union?

It is only when we can gaze into the law of justice with eyes looking passed transience and into the eternalā€”with a still heart, with a spirit open to the voice of Godā€”that we will thrive in the holy war against the forces of darkness.

The laws of God are now seen as a fortress long forgotten, something to ignore and forsake. Our Lord was forsaken, rejected, and abandoned, but through Him is there a light that transcends time and all the limits of the earth, and it is brighter than the brightest sun.

Today, many love to say that if people are indulging in what they want to do, “and as long as they are not hurting anyone and doing it in the privacy of their own homes,” then they are completely fine with it, no matter how evil or deviant.

This is especially true when it comes to any debate over homosexuality or disordered beliefs. They hold that no law should be made against the acts, even though they are a danger to society, because they consider it a private pleasure.

Many Christians will express their support for the sodomites and will, many times, bring up the “love of Christ” to vindicate their support for them. Let us remind such people that nowhere in Scripture is evil tolerated simply because it does not physically or directly harm someone or because it is private. In fact, Christianity is so much against allowing private deviancy that it says that who “approve of those who practice them” are “worthy of death” (Romans 1:32).

This means that opinions expressed in favor of homosexuality and other deviancies like it (such as cannibalism) are worthy of capital punishment. This purely illustrates that Christianity is so much against the license to do evil ā€” even if it is done in private ā€” that it prohibits any approval of it.

For those who disapprove, let them read the words of St. Isidore where he said that law “is composed of no private advantage, but for the common benefit of the citizens.” (Isidore, Etymologiae, 5.21, in Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 90, article 2) Let them read St. Thomas where he says that “Law must therefore attend especially to the ordering of things toward blessedness.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 90, article 2)

Does homosexuality bring blessedness? Does the tolerance of such a deviant act bring any blessed fruition to a people? Does it honor the sacrament of marriage from which children, “a blessing and a gift from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3), come to this world? St. Thomas also says that “every law is directed to the common good.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 90, article 2)

What good has ever come from the act of homosexuality? No offspringā€”no sacramentā€”nothing. St. Thomas also says that the natural affection between man and woman “is directed to a common good: namely, to the preservation of nature in the species or in the individual.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae, 92, article 6)

And, later, this same Doctor of the Church affirms that “sexual intercourse between men ā€¦ is especially said to be a vice against nature.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae 94, article 3)

And so the natural affections are to be upheld, protected, and honored by the state, and anything that comes against itā€”let it be uprooted and cut off like cancer, for such is against the common good. Let the woman who “exchanged the natural use for what is against nature” and the man who left “the natural use of the woman” (Romans 1:26-27) “be put to death.” (Leviticus 20:13)

Homosexuality needs to be treated as sedition against the people. What is a people? A people, as St. Augustine defines one, is not to mean “any indiscriminate multitude, but an assembly of those united by agreement as to what is right and by a common interest.” Therefore, sedition is not just against the government itself, but against the collective and common morals and precepts by which a community is united. As Thomas says, “sedition is opposed to justice and the common good.” (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae 64, article 2)

Since homosexuality is against the sacrament of marriage, which is the building block of society, then it is against the common good and the very Faith of our civilization, and thus is an enemy to the Christian people and should be treated as sedition. Let the heretics who believe in such license read where St. Paul refers to these sodomites as “deserving of death,” along with those who “approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:32), and let them dare say that homosexuality should be allowed in a Christian society. The first principle of law is that good must be rewarded and strived for, and evil must be punished (Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia IIae, 94, article 2). This is why we say with St. Peter that rulers are sent by God “for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good.” (1 Peter 2:14)

It is the job of the ruler to cut off those who are a danger to the spiritual and moral health of the community (See Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae 64, article 3) and to help bring that community to good behavior. How can good behavior be expected when the state allows the people to believe and practice whatever demonic ideology they want to follow? Anarchy only leads to more anarchy; rebellion to more rebellion.

So only violence, disorder, and perversion can come out as a result of absolute freedom of religion. This is why we need laws against cults and other insidious organization; and, most certainly, they must apply to the sodomites, the godless, and all of the promoters of perversion. Vitoria, who stands amongst the most learned of theologians and who is one of the fathers of international law, said:

“princes have enacted laws concerning moral goodness, such as prohibiting blasphemy, sodomy, and so on; laws must concern moral actions, or these would be invalid.” (Vitora, On Law, ST I-II. 92, article 1, 122b)

To those who object to intolerance against homosexualityā€”or any grave evil, reallyā€”we repeat the words of Solomon, “He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.” (Proverbs 17:15)

The inculcation of the homosexual ideology is due to the weakness of churches. In ancient Israel, when low class priests reigned, sodomites were also given leeway to conduct their evils and further degenerate society.

For after Jeroboam made “of the lowest of the people priests of the high places” (13:33), “there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel.” (14:24)

This is why the sodomites must be rooted out, for such is what God commands, and failure to do so leads only to spiritual, and then ultimately, to societal anarchy. This command was obeyed by Asa, who, doing right for God, rooted out the sodomites:

“And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father. And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.” (1 Kings 15:11-12)

The societal anarchy that comes from toleration of homosexuality is illustrated by the modern advocates of “consensual cannibalism,” or the diabolical idea that says that cannibalism is permissible, as long as the one getting eaten is being eaten willfully.

All of the advocates of this heathen practice are atheists, occultists, and promoters of homosexuality. In other words, if a society can accept the demonic actions of the sodomites under the pretense of “privacy” and “individual freedom,” then it can just as easily permit the consumption of human flesh under the guise of “privacy” and “individual freedom.”


God’s law should be the only acceptable system for society because it is the only system that promotes the natural order by which a healthy civilization flourishes. Christianity teaches that marriage must be between man and woman, and anything contrary to this must be uprooted because it is a hindrance to the natural order.

Since a part (and the order of a part) stands in relation to the whole, then the order of marriage stands in relationship to the rest of civilization. Marriage’s end is the orderly and fruitful reproduction of humankind, without which there is no civilization.

With this said, homosexuals (or sodomites) cannot be considered a part of civilized life because their activity is not in relation to the whole of civilization but is a willful declaration of war against itā€”a willful hindrance to the order that perpetuates civilizationā€”a contumacious attempt to destroy the very means by which humankind exists.

Since what is good for the part is good for the whole of civilization, sodomites cannot be esteemed as part of it, for they are not beneficial to the part or the whole. If everyone were a sodomite, we would cease to be a civilization and become a mere aggregate that leads to a transient existence that ends in inevitable death. Men die, but, because of procreation, civilization lives on. Therefore, homosexuals cannot be a part of civilization.

Christus Vincit!

*Article by Theodore Shoebat

The Washington Standard

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