The Transition & Betrayal Of Your Representatives & Revision Of Modern History Is Happening Right Under Your Noses (Videos)
“There is nothing so false as modern history.” -President John Adams
One of the things that I have started to notice with the current administration is with all of the talk of ‘Israel this and Israel that’, I think to myself that is all well with Israel, but Trump is not the president (nor is any other administration) of Israel or any other country for that matter. He is the president of corporate America.
Then, one day, I heard him selling to his supporters not that he wanted to make America great again but that he wanted to make Israel great again. I told myself that was odd; something was seriously off here (Luke 22:48), and my God-given discernment proved true yet again (1 John 2:27).
Later, a friend sent me some information on the USS Liberty. This was where the said modern-day Israel attacked our military with Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats on June 8, 1967 during the Six-Day War.
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Furthermore, this was done with full support from President Lyndon B. Johnson in hopes of starting a world war. At this point, I knew that what we were being sold was not at all what it seemed to be.
Before I knew it, and shortly after watching this above video, I saw that Donald Trump was conjuring up an antisemitism bill that was designed to protect his Zionist friends, all the while attacking free speech and Christians here in America (Psalm 94:20).
Previously, I knew that Trump was a bad actor and con man who was groomed in a positive light by the mainstream media to put him into the position, which he now resides (2 Corinthians 11:14-15), but to this degree of treason (Luke 22:48), I was unaware.
I then received information that Trump had converted to Judaism back in 2017. They feed upon the Talmud, the book of Pharisees.
After seeing the above video, I then knew why he was attacking the Christians and standing for those who were giving the directives to attack modern-day Israel, not the Israel of the Lord, mind you (I’ll get to that in a minute here). Make scriptural distinction (John 8:44; Revelation 3:9).
Representative Thomas Massie, who courageously revealed to Americans on Tucker Carlson’s show, or should I say to those who would listen to him, that American representatives have AIPAC “babysitters.” In other words, our representatives have Zionist handlers. And oh, boy, did this open another floodgate of information to share with you (see video below; Luke 12:2).
Then, making an entrance to the flood of information comes another video. This one from Rick Wiles and his media outlet, Trunews, shows that modern-day Israel was not at all on the map in a Bible from 1905, Palestine was.
Every Christian should watch this.
The “SchofieId BibIe” is a lie.
They had the Audacity to pervert an entire religion to serve their own ends 🇮🇱
Pure evil.— ADAM (@AdameMedia) January 15, 2025
Additionally, on an MSNBC report (blurting the truth out without oversight by the network), they simply confirmed exactly what was happening by design (Jeremiah 11:9) by those who were revising the truth of the matter.
Does This Sound Like The Israel That The Mainstream Media & Politicians Are Hoping You Get Behind?
Americans are being undermined and betrayed while simultaneously being sold revised history to fit the new narrative to bring about change that could otherwise never happen (Hosea 4:6).
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media