Home»US»TSA Gives Prestigious Service Award To Hamas-Linked CAIR

TSA Gives Prestigious Service Award To Hamas-Linked CAIR

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CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.) CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates. CAIR’s Hussam Ayloush in 2017 called for the overthrow of the U.S. government. CAIR’s national outreach manager is an open supporter of Hamas. CAIR top dog Nihad Awad said the October 7 jihad massacre of 1,200 Israelis made him “happy.”

“TSA Bestows Award on Islamist Group Blacklisted by Executive Branch,” by Benjamin Baird, Focus On Western Islamism, October 18, 2024:

A federal agency responsible for preventing another 9/11 attack just handed a prestigious service award to a terror-linked Islamist group that uses lawfare to exploit airport screening procedures.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has faced years of lawsuits and negative publicity aimed at undermining its work, much of which comes from a single source: the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Despite this, TSA just bestowed CAIR, perhaps its most strident critic, with its annual “Disability and Multicultural Coalitions Award.”

Recognized on September 24 “for providing valuable input to TSA on experiences of Muslim travelers with airport screening,” CAIR currently represents multiple clients that are suing the federal agency. In addition, the awardee repeatedly lists TSA as a top offender in its annual hate crimes reports.

TSA’s award comes months after the Biden administration pledged to stop working with CAIR, a decision prompted by statements from the group’s founder endorsing Hamas’ actions on October 7. However, other federal agencies severed ties years earlier, after CAIR was linked to a Hamas fundraising ring in a 2007 terror finance trial.

Anti-Muslim Agency

Created in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, TSA is a federal law enforcement and regulatory oversight agency responsible for protecting America’s mass transit system, including the country’s highways, railroads, bus routes, and airports. As a subagency of the Department of Homeland Security, TSA works closely with the FBI and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to maintain security over U.S. airspace and air terminals.

Year after year, CAIR claims that these three agencies account for more hate crimes and anti-Muslim bias incidents than any single entity. They contribute more than white nationalists and neo-Nazis, and far more than supposed “Islamophobic” hate groups. America’s airports are ground zero for anti-Muslim hate, according to CAIR, recording hundreds of incidents every year.

Following the rollout of President Donald Trump’s travel ban in 2017, which initially barred international travel from seven countries known for sheltering terrorists, CAIR debuted a hate crimes reporting app that allowed Muslim travelers to register discrimination complaints with the click of a button. Fresh from experiencing long delays at customs, these visitors were apparently eager to file incidents with CAIR, resulting in nearly 1,000 government bias cases involving TSA, CBP, and the FBI in 2017.

By enforcing a government policy that was ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court, DHS agencies committed nearly 35 percent of all of CAIR’s anti-Muslim violations that year. These offenses were lumped in with hundreds of non-violent incidents and a small number of allegedly violent cases.

In recognizing CAIR, a TSA press release mentioned the importance behind “ensuring the Muslim voice is represented, especially considering the rise in Islamophobia nationwide and globally,” an upsurge that CAIR blames in large part on TSA agents. Yet, the award-winning nonprofit doesn’t just besmirch TSA with questionable bias statistics; CAIR is actively suing the federal agency in U.S. courtrooms….

Article posted with permission from Robert Spencer

The Washington Standard

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