Home»US»Two Mass Shootings Happened On Sunday – Here’s Why You Didn’t Hear About The One In Denver

Two Mass Shootings Happened On Sunday – Here’s Why You Didn’t Hear About The One In Denver

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Denver, CO — Monday morning, the internet and televisions were ablaze with news of the mass shooting in Greenwood, Indiana. Another young coward emerged from a bathroom inside the Greenwood Park Mall and began killing innocent people. The coward killed three people and injured several others before 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken — a hero who disobeyed a gun free zone — pulled out his pistol and ended the coward’s rampage.

“Many more people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen,” Greenwood police Chief James Ison said at a news conference.

Normally, when good Samaritans stop mass shooters, we don’t hear about them in the media. A good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun destroys the narrative that only police should have guns so the establishment media chooses to ignore them.

Perhaps because the shooter killed three people and injured several others, this time the media was willing to report it. Whatever the reason, Dicken’s actions that day have made it difficult for the anti-gun crowd to exploit this shooting to push their agenda of ensuring only cops and criminals have guns.

But it didn’t last long. Because the Greenwood shooting was difficult for the media to exploit, it has already fallen out of the news cycle.

There was another mass shooting, however, that the media did choose to ignore which unfolded on the same day as the Greenwood shooting. In Lower Downtown Denver five innocent people were shot as gunmen opened fire into a crowd of people early Sunday morning.

The shooters’ faces weren’t plastered all over the television and internet however because the bullets that struck three women and two men — were taxpayer funded. Fortunately, all five of the victims are expected to survive, but this instance still qualifies as a mass shooting, according to the official definition. 

According to authorities, 21-year-old Jordan Waddy allegedly brandished a gun and pointed it in the direction of several police officers as bars closed early Sunday morning. Waddy never fired the gun but officers certainly did — and they couldn’t have cared less about the innocent lives around Waddy which were all put in danger by their reckless actions.

According to the official statement from police, officers only claim to have seen Waddy reach into his waistband “in a motion consistent with pulling out a firearm,” according to court documents. After seeing this motion, one of the officers claimed Waddy had a gun.

An unnamed officer “said he was in fear for his life as Waddy was now armed with a firearm and pointed the firearm in their direction,” the document said. According to the Denver Post, one of the only outlets who chose to cover this shooting, officers conveniently omitted the part from their report where they shot into a crowd.

But the probable cause statement doesn’t describe the officers firing their weapons. It reports that one officer “heard four to six gunshots and observed Waddy fall to the ground,” then notes that “after the shots were fired,” the officers began to render first aid to Waddy “and several other victims who were injured during the shooting” — the only reference to bystanders being caught in the line of police fire.

What’s more, police did not find a gun on Waddy. They only claimed to have found one several feet away from him and claim they saw Waddy “throw the firearm onto the ground.”

Witness Guillermo Cortes told the Denver Post that the only person who put innocent lives in danger on Sunday were police. He said police chased off two men who were fighting and before catching the men, at least two officers pulled out their guns and began recklessly firing into the crowd.

“I’m pretty sure we would’ve been shot had we been standing in the wrong spot,” Cortes said.

After carrying out a mass shooting, police said nothing and never mentioned that it was them who fired into the crowd and that it was their bullets who struck innocent people. In fact, police refused to answer any questions and only released the following statement before Sunday night.

“The Denver Police Department understands the community’s desire for additional information and the department is committed to both maintaining the integrity of this investigation and sharing additional details as soon information has been confirmed through the investigation,” the news release stated.

So much for integrity.

It is instances like this one which compel the Free Thought Project to write articles comparing mass shooting deaths to police shooting deaths. Earlier this year we gathered the data and found that at the beginning of 2022, police had killed 2,200 percent more people than all mass shooters combined since 2018.

While these numbers are staggering, they should come as no surprise given the fact that police themselves, just carried out a mass shooting in Denver.

Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project.
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