Home»US»United Nations Is Hiring English-Speaking Disarmament Officers In New York

United Nations Is Hiring English-Speaking Disarmament Officers In New York

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No, it’s not a conspiracy theory.  It’s a real conspiracy.  As the Second Amendment comes under attack, the United Nations is actually hiring for new positions and among those positions are English-speaking disarmament, demobilization and reintegration officers.

The day after Christmas, the UN posted the job description.

However, some have asked if this type of intervention by the UN might eventually be used in Virginia with the ongoing tyranny being advanced there.  We’ll get to that in a moment.

First, take a look at the job description.


Within delegated authority, the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer will be responsible for the following duties:
• Acts as a Focal Point for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) components for two to three missions, responsible for planning, support to implementation and evaluation;
• Participates in DPO and Integrated Task Force planning meetings for the establishment of a new peacekeeping mission with a potential DDR component;
• Provides technical assistance to peace negotiations;
• Participates in technical assessment missions;
• Advises, develops and reviews (as appropriate) initial DDR functional strategy and concept of operations for further development into a full programme by the DDR component and the National DDR Commission;
• Drafts and reviews DDR inputs to SG report, code cables, and talking points;
• Develops initial result-based framework and budget for new DDR components in new mission;
• Liaises with UNDP and donor community to raise voluntary contributions for DDR programmes;
• Presents and/or defends new and subsequent DDR budgetary requirements in the ACABQ and the 5th Committee of the General Assembly;
• Develops staffing structure and terms of reference for a DDR component, including terms of integration with other UN agencies, funds and programmes;
• Provides technical clearance for applicants to DDR units in new and ongoing missions;
• Provides Headquarters support in planning the civilian and military logistics support for DDR;
• Continually reviews DDR programme strategy and implementation through relevant documents, reports and code cables;
• Conducts field missions to assess implementation of established DDR programmes;
• Identifies potential problems and issues to be addressed and suggests remedies to DDR units in the field;
• Liaises with Member States, UN actors and other DDR interested partners to represent the mission’s DDR component at the Headquarters level;
• Establishes and maintains an outreach network with CSOs and IGOs active in the area of DDR.
• Supports the doctrine development work in the area of DDR in the department, with the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on DDR and other relevant national and international actors working on DDR issues;
• Contributes to Department-level or Policy Committee-level policy development work on DDR and related issues;
• Maintains and further develops the Integrated DDR Standards – a set of inter-agency policies, guidelines and procedures on DDR;
• On behalf of the Chief of the DDR Section, co-chairs the IAWG on DDR, contributes to bringing coherence to the interaction of the UN system and its partners on DDR;
• Supervises the Associate Expert (Junior Professional Officer) in the development and maintenance of the web-based United Nations DDR Resource Centre;
• Liaises with others (UN, regional organisations and Member States) providing DDR.
Other duties as required.

Additionally, the position is located in the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Section of the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI), within the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) in New York. New York is classified as a hardship “H” duty station and family duty station. The incumbent reports to and is under the overall supervision of the DDR Section Chief.

Those hired as staff members “are subject to the authority of the Secretary-General and to assignment by him or her. In this context, all staff are expected to move periodically to new functions in their careers in accordance with established rules and procedures.”

Not that the US was ever actually a part of the UN Arms Trade Treaty even though treasonous former Secretary of State John Kerry signed it, the reality is that President Trump took the US completely off the table with reference to that.

Kerry Lied to The American People – National Gun Registration Is Part of the UN Small Arms Treaty

Trump Announces Rejection Of UN Arms Treaty Signed By John Kerry

Here are some of the requirements for the positions.


Professionalism: Knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to DDR and related issues; ability to identify issues, as well as to analyze and participate in the resolution of issues/problems; ability to conduct data collection using various methods; excellent drafting and analytical skills; conceptual analytical and evaluative skills to conduct independent research and analysis, including familiarity with and experience in the use of various research sources, including electronic sources on the internet, intranet and other databases; ability to apply judgment in the context of assignments given, plan own work and manage conflicting priorities; shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Provides leadership and takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.

Planning & Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.

Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.


Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent degree) in disarmament affairs, military studies, political affairs, economics, international relations, or a related field. A first level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

Work Experience

Seven years of relevant experience in disarmament affairs, political analysis or in national military or paramilitary service, preferably related to the design, implementation or review of DDR.

A minimum of two years of experience in planning, developing, implementing and evaluating DDR programmes is required.

Experience working in a large multicultural, multidimensional environment is desirable.

Experience coordinating with multiple partner agencies, funds or programmes is desirable.

Experience working in a field operation in an international organization, non-governmental organization, or within the United Nations common system (inclusive of peacekeeping, political missions and UN agencies, funds, and programs) is desirable.

Experience working on DDR related programmes in Africa is desirable.

All of this seems to be building up, but could it lead to the UN being called on eventually to invade states such as Virginia?

Daisy Luther asked, “Is this in response to the Virginia crisis?”

“You may recall that citizens of Virginia have become outraged recently by new laws that are likely to pass this month, effectively banning all semi-automatic weapons,” she wrote.  “Sanctuary counties, cities, and municipalities now cover all but the most urban parts of the state. These sanctuaries have vowed to support the Second Amendment and are refusing to enforce unconstitutional gun laws.”

Luther added, “In response, a member of the state congress suggested that Governor Northam could call up the National Guard to disarm residents of Virginia despite the wishes of local governments. In response to that, at least one county has formed a militia and others are expected to spring up. The state’s Attorney General says that these sanctuaries carry no legal weight.  Despite the AG’s opinion and threats from the state government, Virginians appear to have no plans to give up their guns or register them. Many members of law enforcement entities and the National Guard have said that they will not act on unconstitutional orders.”

Former US Marine David Risselada recently wrote on the distinct possibility that the UN might be used on US soil in the future.

The USMCA, Virginia & Possible Deployment of UN Troops Against Gun Owners

Risselada wrote:

As the situation in Virginia continues to escalate the possibility that they are deliberately trying to lure patriots into committing acts of violence must be considered. It is the Hegelian dialectic at play ̶ create the problem by criminalizing legal gun owners, provoke the reaction and offer the solution. The final solution is, the merging of the United States into a one world order headed by the United Nations. As crazy as that sounds the groundwork for such a merger is well established as the United States committed itself to United Nation objectives with the signing of the United Nations Participation Act in 1945.

Many laws and policy objectives have been put in place that have led us to where we are now. Despite opposition from the public, the gun control agenda is gaining steam and more and more states are introducing legislation to outlaw semi-automatic firearms. In 1961 the U.S. government passed public law 87-297, the Arms Control and Disarmament Act. This is interesting because the law specifically states that there shall be no laws authorizing the reduction of our armed forces or the prohibiting of the civilian ownership of arms unless pursuant to the treaty-making powers of the President. The House, after staging the fake impeachment spectacle, approved the finalization of the new trade deal with Mexico and Canada, the USMCA. This trade agreement further surrenders our sovereignty to the U.N. despite it being hailed as one of the great things Trump has done for the country. If this new treaty does create a so-called North American Union under the control of the United Nations, then the situation in Virginia could easily be declared an “international emergency” giving them the sole authority to deploy peacekeeping troops. As conspiratorial as it may sound this is laid out in law. There was also the U.N. Arms treaty. President Trump was hailed as being pro-gun when he withdrew from the treaty, which John Kerry signed as Secretary of State. In truth, it doesn’t matter if Trump withdrew from it if the USMCA becomes the law of the land.

The Arms treaty has several provisions that allow for nations who have signed on to appeal to the United Nations for help in disarmament affairs with nations that haven’t.

Article 16, International Assistance

In implementing this Treaty, each State Party may seek assistance including legal or legislative assistance, institutional capacity-building, and technical, material or financial assistance. Such assistance may include stockpile management, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs, model legislation, and effective practices for implementation. Each State Party in a position to do so shall provide such assistance, upon request. Each State Party may request, offer or receive assistance through, inter alia, the United Nations, international, regional, sub-regional or national organizations, non-governmental organizations, or on a bilateral basis. A voluntary trust fund shall be established by States Parties to assist requesting States Parties requiring international assistance to implement this Treaty. Each State Party is encouraged to contribute resources to the fund.

The treaty also states that the ownership of firearms by civilians would be respected based on a nation’s laws. This is a provision that led many people to the false belief that it would have no effect upon U.S. citizens. As noted earlier, if the USMCA becomes the law of the land and the U.S., Canada and Mexico are merged into one entity, our constitution and bill of rights would be rendered virtually meaningless. Many states are now in the process of outlawing firearms, as noted earlier. Furthermore, the text in article 16 of the Arms Treaty could enable Mexico and Canada, who both have signed the treaty, to appeal to the U.N. for help in forcing the disarming of American citizens. American gun owners are being portrayed as radical extremists and our guns, as the cause of Mexico’s violence. Also, consider that every state with high rates of gun violence and strict gun laws, blames the neighboring states that do not. This is all deliberate propaganda to create the justification for U.N. involvement. Don’t forget that the Obama Administration signed many localities on to the U.N. Strong Cities Network, which puts international organizations in control of local law enforcement agencies. Is there a connection between this and what is happening in Virginia? That is unclear. Virginia has no cities listed as being members. New York, Georgia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Colorado, however, are listed as being members in the Strong Cities Network.

While I don’t necessarily believe the UN will be used in Virginia yet… I do believe that is where everything is going and the fact that President Trump talked big and bad about ridding us of NATO and the UN and then coming in with light trims of money against the UN tells me that the agenda continues forward.

While this article is not meant to alarmist, it is to warn of traitors within our midst who would submit themselves to the UN in any capacity.

The UN has been headed by Socialists and Communists since its inception and it is an utterly anti-American and anti-Christian organization and any red-blooded American should be all for getting the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.


Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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