So, You Want the Truth about #Pizzagate? Here It Is
Initially, internet sleuths set out researching the Podesta emails to prove a pedophilia connection between convicted sex offender, Jeffery Epstein, and the Clintons. Bill Clinton is known to have traveled on Epstein’s private jet, nicknamed the “Lolita Express,” without Secret Service protection on numerous occasions – a seemingly suspicious move given Epstein’s proclivity for sex with underage girls.
While there was never any “smoking gun” found regarding Epstein and the Clintons, the “Pizzagate” subreddit began after the strange use of code words was discovered in use in the Podesta emails, which were released by WikiLeaks. There is no mistaking the use of coded messages within the Podesta emails, but their meaning remains speculative.
CBS’ Ben Swann decided to lay all the pieces out in a recent Reality Check so that people could decide for themselves whether or not Pizzagate is a legitimate scandal that should be investigated and those involved prosecuted.
Reality Check: Is Pizzagate “Fake News” or Has It Just Not Be…Reality Check: Is Pizzagate “Fake News” or Has It Just Not Been Officially Investigated? (Warning: Some of the info on this story may be disturbing) This video barely scratches the surface of all the information connected to Pizzagate
Posted by Ben Swann on Tuesday, January 17, 2017
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