What Washington Won’t Do, New Hampshire Executive Council Does – Defund Planned Parenthood
While Washington bureaucrats will not stand for the unborn and defund “health organizations” who are involved in murder, such as Planned Parenthood, several states are taking their own initiative and defunding Planned Parenthood. New Hampshire is one of them.
LifeNews reports:
New Hampshire has become the second state to cancel state taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business after multiple expose’ videos have caught the abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies. The Granite State follows Louisiana, where pro-life Governor Bobby Jindal made the decision to cancel Medicaid funding to the abortion company.
In New Hampshire, the Republican-led Executive Council has rejected roughly $650,000 in state taxpayer funding for the abortion company. The move follows Senate Democrats defeating a bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
Of course, those in support of the murder of the unborn, like Democrat Councilor Chris Pappas said, “Voting against this contract is not going to stop one single abortion in New Hampshire, but it is going to stop thousands of people from accessing quality, affordable health care.”
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But a pro-choose to murder your baby Republican by the name of Chris Sununu views this now as an issue of abortion, but as being in favor of women’s health.
The Washington Times reports:
Before the New Hampshire Executive Council’s 3-2 vote denying the contract, he said he received separate calls from five young women — both pro-choice and pro-life — who told him they refused to set foot in Planned Parenthood clinics, even though they needed services and those were their closest options.
“All of them were unemployed and had actually gotten rides to other parts of the state so they could go to another provider that wasn’t Planned Parenthood and that didn’t have this umbrella of scrutiny hanging over them,” said Mr. Sununu. “And that sort of hit home.”
This issue of unsafe, yet “legal” abortions is not confined to Planned Parenthood and people need to know that. The issue of abortion is absolutely related to a woman’s health as it is the child being dismembered in the womb. Troy Newman of Operation Rescue is at the tip of the spear when it comes to bringing the law to bear on abortion clinics. His organization has successfully seen the shutdown of hundreds of abortion clinics, revoking of licenses by abortionists and even many abortionists sent to jail.
WMUR reported:
In rejecting the contract, Republican councilors cited recently released videos by anti-abortion activists showing the organization’s officials discussing providing medical researchers with tissue from aborted fetuses. Conservatives are alleging that the organization is profiting from selling fetal tissue, a charge it denies. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England does not engage in the voluntary tissue donation program, but the Republican councilors told Gov. Maggie Hassan the state should launch a state-based investigation.
GOP Councilor David Wheeler told WMUR, “You can’t divorce what’s going on nationally from Planned Parenthood of Northern New England and we need a real investigation.”
But Governor Maggie Hasson, a pro-murder your baby Democrat, rejected an investigation saying, “We do not launch investigations in the state of New Hampshire on rumor. We do not launch criminal investigations in the state of New Hampshire because somebody edits a tape.”
This woman is a piece of work. Rumor? Editing a tape? I’ll bet she would be tripping all over herself if this video incriminated someone from the opposing view.
The canceling of tax funds to Planned Parenthood amount to $639,000. That’s $639,000 in blood money the state should never have been providing to the organization in the first place.