Who Or What Is #1 When It Comes To American Education? It’s Not The People
Anti Fed Ed Warriors, I hope you had a blessed Easter Weekend. For those who didn’t mark the weekend for Easter, it’s good to have you back as well. Be sure to continue sharing the entire set of “Prudence Files”, we’ve got many folks to help see the light about the candidates and what they want to do with OUR tax dollars in the name of education.
Speaking of our tax dollars, what do you know about HR 1? That’s the federal bill called “For the People Act”. It’s already passed the House and is in the Senate, on their calendar. as Item #39.
HR 1 was introduced on Jan. 3rd, 2019 and was completely through 9 different House Committees (including the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor) by March 4, 2019. A mere 4 days later it passed 234-193. HR 1 has 40 related bills (from both House and Senate).
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Warriors, this entire bill is 706 pages long and packs a punch as far as totally restructuring our elections, how we vote, and, who can vote. So, how will this impact your tax dollars? How will all this impact education? As you see above, my concerns are if it’s a political rendering on education or an economic one, it’s BOTH which will render education (as we know it) useless.
The quick answers to how our tax dollars and education be impacted:
1) Misuse to assault our right to vote.
2) Bring voting into schools for students as young as 16-years-old.
The not so quick answers to those 2 key questions are below.
Taxes, Taxes:
Warriors, beginning on Page 219, is the Subtitle C of HR 1. It’s called the “Findings Relating to District of Columbia Statehood. In this section it’s revealed that the residents of DC pay more federal tax dollars (per capita) than any other State, yet doesn’t have Congressional representation or self-governing status as the States do. (*Note: here’s a thought: how can the Congress say the States are truly self-governing when the States are micromanaged and strung along via funding?) Be sure you read Page 220 as to the size and contributions DC taxpayers make to the rest of the nation.
Taxes for most Americans will not increase under HR 1, we’ll feel some pinches however. The wealthy and businesses will see tax increases with HR 1. I found a great explanation of what the taxes will and won’t look like under this huge bill, should it become law. (*Note: don’t miss the nod given in the explanation to the OECD, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.)
Warriors, here’s a question, why would we need a bill which revolutionizes voting to ‘mess’ with our taxes? The 24th Amendment ended the “Poll Tax” (where you had to pay to vote). To the best of my knowledge of HR 1, it’s named “For the People” so tax restructuring seems appropriate. However, we REALLY need to know what Congress is up to. After all, it is OUR money they are handling.
The Institute for Free Speech expresses grave concerns about the ramifications of taxes and voting. I’ve included it here for you. Roughly, look at the concerns on campaign reform.
I did find another section in HR 1 which might also explain the monkeying with taxes and campaign financing.
“My Voice Voucher” Pilot Program:
Warriors, beginning on Page 445, Subtitle of Section 5100 of HR 1 will be known as the “Government by the People Act”.
Warriors, if you read my “The Prudence Files” series, you know that at least one of the Presidential candidates also wants to use a voucher-type system for voting. Businessman, Andrew Yang is proposing vouchers in the amount of $100.00 each and to every citizen in America, not just pilot States.
HR 1’s Impact On Education:
In education, HR 1 will amend the HEA (Higher Education Act) by allowing post-secondary schools to become agents for the State where they are located for voting registration, will increase data collection by massive amounts, and uses the word ‘education’ 27 times in the Bill.
HR 1 also seeks to lower the voting age in America to 16 years old. So schools could become automatic voter registration locations. You can find that in the Automatic Voting portion, beginning on Page 36.
(*Note: In the “Voter Registration Efficiency Act” (Section 1081), Page 79, you’ll see that when you go to the DMV to get a license to drive, the system to register to vote will be updated.)
From Page 84, a new Pilot for secondary schools (high schools). Unlike the voter voucher pilot, this one will be across the nation.
From Page 86, this for those under 18 years old:
Warriors, have you seen the headlines? Students bullied over which ‘team’ they support, the Rs or the Ds, or maybe some other political party.
So WHAT is Congress thinking? We’re going to incentivize votes? We’re going to incentivize schools? Think about how the CCSS Machine has totally skewed civics. This is a disaster in the making AND it’s passed the House and is in the Senate! Warriors, we HAVE to stop this!
Ask yourselves, why would we need to have federal funds to encourage us to vote? Some of us have been voting for free for as long as we’ve been able to. I don’t want to be PAID, I don’t want to be TRACKED. Can you imagine what this will do to a 16-year-old’s concept of how our nation is governed?
The CCSS Machine is grinding our kids (in all choices) through the cradle to grave workforce aligned system, so I guess we have to hurry them along to vote. However, can you see the ‘unintended agenda’? Since Johnny and Suzy can’t read or think critically, this combo of vouchers and in-school influence is not only usurping parents once more, it’s stacking the deck in the government’s favor! Who you vote for, what values you have are supposed to be FAMILY business, NOT government funded tracks.
(*Note: S 949 is also called “For The People Act”, it’s 689 pages long. You’ll find 16-year-old references on Page 38 and 83. Among the 38 references to ‘vouchers’, the Senate version will extend the use of them to cover political ads. This Bill has been introduced in the Senate and is in the Senate Finance Committee. Among the Finance Committee members is Sen. Michael Bennet, who’s running for President.)
There are some other Congressional documents seeking to lower the age to vote to 16 years old.
House Joint Resolution 23 (House and Senate agree). Seeks to amend the U.S. Constitution to lower the voting age to 16 years. Warriors, that’s Amendment 26.
House Amendment 76 (attached to HR 1).
C’mon, Let’s Be Like Every Other Country:
Warriors, if you’ve read my blog long, you know the connections between education and the United Nations. You also have seen my research showing how some EU (European Union) education models have ended up in our legislation from DC. The UN’s influence is also visible in theCongressional bills, and, even some laws which have been passed.
So, I wanted to see what was the advantage of the US lowering the voting age to 16 at a national level. (Remember, HR 1’s stipulation for 16-year-old voters was federal. But consider some States are already working to lower the voting age at the State level, too.)
Look at what I found from the Euro News:
Okay, but where’s the UN? Look below:
To learn more about the #Youth2030, you can find the UNinformation, here.
To read what I’ve written about the Initiative, go here.
Warriors, I wrote that not very long after the infamous US attendance to the G20. I asked the question then, was phase one of the total loss of our nation. So, now, I ask it again.
Warriors, there are some other Congressional bills which seek to globalize the way we vote. I think it’s clear to see that We the People are NOT #1 in our Congress member’s eyes.
Look for upcoming articles on those other bills.
For now, civil disobedience is in full order. How soon will we see ‘voting’ added to this list?
Article posted with permission from Lynne Taylor