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Red Light Therapy: Learn Everything There Is To Know About Natural Healing Through Photobiomodulation

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In 2023, I attended the Healing for the AGES conference in Texas with doctors Bryan Ardis, Henry Ealy, Janet Schmidt and Ed Group (Use promo code TIM to save $$$).  I interviewed a gentleman at the time who had an infrared light sauna.  We sat in one of these boxes beside each other with nothing but our heads sticking out and conducted the interview and I was telling him about LifeWave, which reflects the body’s own infrared light gently back on the skin to stimulate a copper peptide that the body naturally makes in order to bring about health and well being inside the body.  I must say that after 10 minutes, I was relaxed.  This brings me to an important, free webinar that is being put on by investigative journalist Jonathan Otto on the subject of red light therapy.

Click here to register for this free webinar, today!

Otto tells people:

Hi! My name is Jonathan Otto, Award-winning filmmaker, investigative medical journalist, and health advocate. I’ve interviewed world-renowned experts to share the Truth with you…. I was once where many of you are.  Worried about my health, and what my future would look like if I did not do something soon…  Would I have the energy to be present in my kids’ lives?  Would I be able to give my best at my work? Or continue being a fully present husband if I didn’t get this under control?

The Chronic fatigue was debilitating… I was told by my doctors that they don’t know what’s wrong with me… And that I’d have to learn to live with the life-altering symptoms…  The thought of living my entire life feeling tired really startled me.

But God led me down a path of discovery…And not only did I use this empowering health information to change my life…But my family’s life too!  I received the gift of life… And I knew I had to share this with the world!

Our world as we know it has changed SO much over the past few decades.  We used to eat more natural foods… Drink more pure water…And live in healthier environments.

But that´s all different now.  Have a look around you.  Most people are consuming highly processed foods… Drinking sugar-loaded drinks…And are constantly surrounded by harmful, BPA-leaking plastics!  This is incredibly dangerous for you.

In fact, it’s among the lead contributors to many life-threatening diseases… Which includes cancer!

In 2024, for the first time ever… The United States is expecting over 2 MILLION new cases of cancer!  From lung cancer, to breast cancer, to prostate and colon cancer….  The American Cancer Society is showing a major surge of all cancers. At the rate this is going…
More and more people around you are at risk of getting cancer.  Even YOU!

And all of this can tie back into how we’re living in our modern, toxic, world!  It doesn’t matter how young or old… how fit or unhealthy you are.  Everyone is at risk!   And the worst part is…

Despite living in a toxic world…

Most doctors still keep pushing harmful Big Pharma pills and jabs…

Instead of addressing the root triggers in our environment!

Big Pharma´s “solutions” just keep you trapped in your disease…

Instead of actually treating the root causes which provide long-lasting healing.

And the thing with autoimmune and chronic diseases is… 

The battle can often be a lonely one.

I know this first hand, and I have seen this in the lives of SO many people.

Friends and family may not fully grasp the relentless nature of your condition…

They may question your choices to seek better health, which leaves you feeling isolated and unsupported.  I know exactly how lonely this can be…. And how it can feel almost impossible to make any sort of progress when no one is on your side.

But here’s something you should know:  You’re NOT alone on this journey.

There are countless others who understand the pain, frustration, and isolation you’re experiencing.  The truth is…Findings from the National Cancer Institute back in 2020 showed that….  As many as 17 MILLION Americans are living with cancer.  The current statistics are likely way higher.

But do you know what’s even worse than the already grim reality of cancer is?  Most people are unaware that genetics have almost nothing to do with your risk of getting cancer!

A PudMed study showed that:

“Only 5-10% of Cancer cases are caused by genetics!”
Yet, many people just sit back and say whatever happens… is because of their genetics.  Even doctors are telling their patients this big lie!

The truth is… You CAN control your health. And you most definitely can prevent and treat cancer…  Without relying on harmful chemo and other mainstream treatments!

One of the best treatments being Red Light Therapy.

That is taking place on Thursday, May 9th at 4 PM ET.

I’ve dedicated my life to uncovering solutions for individuals battling life-threatening diseases.  My journey, fueled by personal experiences and a relentless pursuit of answers…  Has led me to discover a path to healing that extends beyond conventional medicine. Because I know what it feels like to go to the doctor with so much pain…  Only to have them tell you, “It’s all in your head…” Or, “The results show that you’re fine.”

My research and networking with incredible world class experts and doctors who care about holistic healing…  Has led me to discover some exceptional healing protocols that you NEED to know!  One of which I will go in depth during this webinar.

During the webinar, I will be sharing the science and benefits of this powerful therapy… How it can help you combat cancer naturally… Improve your sleep quality…  Reduce extreme pain…  And even help you combat autoimmune diseases!

Join me and my team on this transformative journey towards better health, understanding, and healing…  Together, we can overcome the challenges of cancer…  Finding a path to a brighter and healthier future.  I salute you for your unwavering commitment to seeking knowledge and understanding on your path to better health.  I can’t wait to see you there!

Click here to register for this free webinar, today!

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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