10 Political Criminals Who Should Be Arrested, Be On Trial & Summarily Executed If Found Guilty
The following is my personal list of those who I wouldn’t mind seeing vanish. I wouldn’t cry if they died and certainly wouldn’t be able to hold back the laughter if they were somehow imprisoned.
Yeah, like that’s ever going to happen.
What can I say?
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This is my personal list of 10+ people that need to disappear, in no particular order…
Hillary Clinton
What can you say about this woman? Evil just doesn’t go away. She and her democrat friends failed to steal the election from Trump, in 2016, and we all hoped she would vanish. Unfortunately, she has not.
There is a special place in hell for women like Hillary Clinton. The status of Satan’s appeal was unavailable at press time.
George Soros
If George Soros were in hell, a lot of eternally damned souls would get confused. Notice the resemblance?
No man on planet earth has more International power and is universally hated more than our buddy George.
- Myanmar military seizes George Soros’ bank accounts, issues arrest warrants
- Peruvian court rules that Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller family “created” coronavirus pandemic
- George Soros trumped American democracy by rigging election for Biden
Bill Gates
Bill Gates flew on the Lolita Express but that is likely the least of his transgressions. Does anyone else find it odd that a computer nerd is now like an official vaccine spokesperson for the entire planet?
- Melinda Gates unloads on globalist husband Bill Gates: He had multiple affairs…His “abhorrent” meetings with Jeffrey Epstein was last straw… Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein “was evil personified”
- Bill Gates and His Evil Plan to Depopulate Planet Earth — 10 Intriguing Pieces of Evidence
- PEOPLE become THE PLAGUE: Bill Gates developing needle-less vaccine that spreads like a virus to the unvaccinated
Dianne Feinstein
Di-Fi has been quieting down in recent years but who could forget her transgressions?
- Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein both financially tied to Dominion Voting Systems
- LOCK HER UP: Did Dianne Feinstein just violate The Logan Act while Conversing with Iran’s Foreign Minister?
- President Trump Asks if Dianne Feinstein will “Investigate Herself” over Chinese Spy that she Employed for 20 Years
Adam Schiff
This guy has bug eyes the size of golf balls and his demeanor rarely changes. So how do you tell when Adam Schiff is lying? It’s simple, if his mouth is open chances are he is lying.
- Obama, Biden and Schiff committed treason against America through cyber warfare election fraud
- President Trump Demands Adam Schiff Be Investigated for TREASON
- WATCH: GOP Sen Barrasso – ‘I Saw Blood Drain From Schiff’s Face’ When Trump’s Defense Team Played Video Of Fake Call And Transcript
Mitch McConnell
With John McCain gone, and Mitt Romney losing all credibility, it’s hard to find a more hated RINO than Mitch McConnell.
- Mitch McConnell, Wife Elaine Chao Financially Tied To Chinese Government
- No, Trump did not “incite insurrection” ahead of the Capitol Building riot, so why are Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell saying he did?
- 90 Pounds Of Cocaine Found On Cargo Ship Owned By Mitch McConnell’s Family
Nancy Pelosi
We could do a series of articles on the Wicked Witch of the West — Nancy Pelosi. Is anyone less suited to be third in line for the presidency? Please stay healthy Joe and Kamala. Sure I’d like you dead but only if Pelosi joins you.
- Biden, Pelosi, claim that massive $3.5 trillion spending package will cost “zero dollars” is a MASSIVE LIE
- Analysis Busts Pelosi Sneaking $350 Million For 50 Richest Zip Codes Into COVID Relief Bill
- Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein both financially tied to Dominion Voting Systems
Hunter Biden
This guy would make a helluva case study for how rich kids grow up in a different world than the rest of us. But his drug stories and womanizing are old news. Hunter Biden is one of the biggest players in the whole Russia/Ukraine fiasco that is going on now.
- See the full list of 51 deep state “intelligence” officials who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop to try to defeat Trump in 2020
- Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals Biden family’s ties to “secret biological projects” in Ukraine
- The plot thickens: Hunter Biden investment firm funded Ukraine biolabs
Joe Biden
No way could we leave Sleepy Joe off this list. His politics are every day news. But how in the hell did a child molesting wannabe ever get elected to be president in the first place? (Hint: He didn’t. The election was rigged.)
- Joe Biden’s Syracuse Roommate: Yes Joe Is Sexually Attracted to Children
- Security guards evict man for confronting Joe Biden about his pedophilia
- AG Jeff Sessions knows Joe Biden is a pedophile
The Squad
I wanted to make it an even ten but there are four members of the Squad who could all arguably make this list by themselves. Ayanna Pressley gets a break from me today.
- How Did Omar’s Husband Get $634,000 In Pandemic Bailout Cash?
- AOC is the new Jussie Smollett… she LIED about the events of Jan. 6th in order to push more victimhood
- Jihad-Rep Rashida Tlaib Found Guilty Of Misusing Campaign Funds – Doesn’t Even Get A Slap On The Wrist
I’m going to say something that many readers will find insulting but it’s the truth. There are bad guys on both sides and even the best of them aren’t always good.
Even the “good guys” are far from perfect in American politics.
Sad but true.
Article posted with permission from Dean Garrison