Home»US»41% of Voters Believe Civil War Will Break Out By 2029

41% of Voters Believe Civil War Will Break Out By 2029

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It will be too late by 2029. And if bloodshed can be averted, it should be. Once they steal 2024 again, red states should secede from the communist regime in DC. a national divorce. We cannot live under the boot of tyranny. We cannot live as slaves to the communist regime. We cannot live in the sh*thole cities that were once jewels, that have been systematically destroyed by the Democrats. And the Democrats certainly don’t want to live among us, the good, the kind, the decent the rational. They want only to steal our hard earned pay, our production, our property, our freedom.

The left states would eventually fail without the producers to fund their madness. Only then perhaps, could we come back together. But if not, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Poll: 41% of Voters Believe Civil War Will Break Out By 2029

Will the United States continue to exist by the end of the 21st century?

According to a Rasmussen poll, 41% of Americans voters believe a second civil war could afflict the United States. Of these voters, 16% believe such a scenario is very likely.

49% believe that it is not likely that a civil war will take place in the US. 10% are unsure.

The poll also found that Republican voters were more certain that the US would be in a state of civil war than their Democratic counterparts. Specifically, 54%) of Republican voters, 35% of Democrat voters, and 32% of independent voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that the US will go through a second civil war at some point in the next five years.

The poll also found that 37% of voters believed a Biden victory would make a civil war more likely, whereas 25% believed a 53% of individuals who pulled the lever for Trump in 2020 believe it’s at least somewhat likely that the US will experience a second civil war in the next five years. By contrast,  28% of Biden voters hold the same view. 59% of individuals who pulled the lever for Trump in 2020 believe a second civil war is more likely to take place if Biden comes out victorious in the 2024 presidential election.

With respect to race, 39% of white voters, 46% of black voters, 51% of Hispanic voters, and 29% of non-black minorities believe a second civil war is at least somewhat likely to occur in the next five years.

When it comes to money makers, those making over $200,000 annually are the least likely to believe another civil war will occur in the next five years.

There’s clearly tension in the air as politics has gotten so polarized in the country that people are willing to come to blows over their political differences. At some point, people will have to realize that maintaining the status quo at all costs is not the way to go.

To avoid unnecessary bloodshed, peaceful separation will likely need to be entertained by reform-minded members of the nationalist Right.

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller

The Washington Standard

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