Home»Politics»After CA Dems Try to Decriminalize Mugging, WA Dems Want to Lower Penalties for Drive By Shootings

After CA Dems Try to Decriminalize Mugging, WA Dems Want to Lower Penalties for Drive By Shootings

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California State Assembly Bill SB 82 would effectively legalize mugging the way that shoplifting and porch piracy, among other forms of theft had already been legalized.

A California legislative proposal that reduces the penalty for committing armed robberies is drawing condemnation from a broad coalition who oppose the idea — They say it’s dangerous.

“The Frederick Douglas Foundation wholeheartedly opposes this bill as a matter of fact in our opinion it is a crime in and of itself,” Reverend Walter Hoye, president of Frederick Douglas Foundation, said.

I couldn’t have said it any better.

California State Assembly Bill SB 82 would reduce robberies that do not involve a weapon or assault with great bodily injury from felony crimes to misdemeanors.

“A misdemeanor petty theft, which in this state there is no punishment essentially,” Alameda County Deputy District Attorney Annie Esposito said.

How can you possibly top legalizing muggings? Washington Democrats are on it, as Victoria Taft at PJ Media reports.

But under a bill proposed for the upcoming Washington state legislature by white, woke ex-con state Rep. Tarra Simmons and her co-sponsor David Hackney, the reduction in penalties is a move toward “racial equity.” That’s right, drive-by shooting prosecutorial outcomes are racist. Never mind all the black and brown people who are the disproportionate victims of drive-by shootings.

Nothing says equity like encouraging more drive-by shootings that often kill and wound black children.

House Bill 1692 lessens the criminal penalties for drive-by shootings. It prohibits using a drive-by shooting as a basis for elevating a first degree murder charge to an aggravated first degree murder. The bill is also retroactive, lessening punishment for those already found guilty in drive-by shooting cases. It even offers carve-outs to release felons from jail if they committed their violent act when they were under 21-years-old.

Which in many cases they are.

Dems keep claiming that police defunding isn’t what they really stand for and that the only crimes they’re trying to legalize are victimless crimes. Neither of course is true as these two bills remind us. Democrats are working to help some of the most dangerous criminals around commit more violent crimes.

Article posted with permission from Daniel Greenfield

The Washington Standard

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