America’s True Tyrant Ruler: Bill Gates
Many Americans are giddy with excitement as the inauguration of Donald J. Trump approaches. These Americans believe they are getting rid of a poor excuse for a president in Joe Biden and ushering in a man they claim will “save us all”. Confirmation hearings are preceding for Trump’s nominees. Biden issued his farewell address. All things appear normal for the “changing of the guard”, so to speak. However, America is just changing a “figure head”. The real power lies elsewhere. The real tyrant has been exposing himself for years. While people have joked about him, made unsavory comments about him, and disregarded him, he has been wiggling himself into a position of importance, gaining the ears of those who are in positions to implement his wants and desires.
Many are thinking George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Terrorist Teddy of the World Health Organization (WHO) or any number of “cartoon villains” that have taken on some type of “human” presence in the world. These three have played a part, no doubt. But, the one who can command the military of the united States or one of the military’s arms is truly someone that should be seen as having a more profound influence than “Orange Man” or “Beijing Biden”. This man operates freely, openly, and with impunity. Who is this open tyrant? It is Bill Gates. Many may disagree. However, think about what Bill Gates has accomplished; the influence he is wielding; what he has been doing; and, now, what he is implementing with the help of the military.
Bill Gates is working with the U.S. Department of Defense to integrate genetically modified insects into the food supply, potentially as a step toward reducing traditional meat consumption.
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Crickets and grasshoppers are already making their way into the American diet in various forms, including protein bars, shakes, and even restaurant menus.
Additionally, they are promoted as sustainable options for pet food and animal feed.
Lax regulations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have allowed such products to bypass rigorous safety testing.
Many insect-based foods fall under the “Generally Regarded as Safe” (GRAS) category, enabling manufacturers to introduce them to the market with minimal oversight.
Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, expressed concerns to The Defender:
“How long will it take before we learn whether these foods are safe? It could take generations.”
In 2012, the Gates Foundation’s Grand Challenges Explorations program funded All Things Bugs, a project aimed at addressing malnutrition in famine-stricken regions through insect-based foods.
Since then, the project has evolved to include the development of genetically modified insects, with additional support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
The company has openly stated its use of technologies like CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to create insects as a new “bioresource.”
DARPA, a research arm of the U.S. Department of Defense, is a key partner in this initiative.
Bill Gates, the man without any college degree, has promoted “vaccines”, including the CONvid-1984 mRNA gene therapy bioweapon shot, providing extensive “information” that covers the realm of “practicing medicine without a license.” He has inserted himself into the “climate change” cult by working with “science entities” to block out the sun, as if he is some type of meteorological expert, and feed bovines an additive that reduces methane emissions, as though he is some type of veterinary expert. He has spoken with authority on the economy, agriculture, and somehow convinced Trump in his prior term as president to not investigate the harms of vaccines. Gates has worked his “magic” to get genetically modified mosquitoes to be used as “vaccine” vectors, injecting everyone with poisons without informed consent or any thought to “overdose”. And, Gates is now the largest farm land owner in the united States. He has inserted himself as some type of authority on the nation’s food supply. Now, he is able to conscript part of the US Department of Defense (DOD) in his “insects as food” scheme. Are we really sure Gates “is working with” the DOD? Or, could it be the DOD is “working for” Gates?
Bill Gates has been vocal about his investments in alternative proteins, aligning with his vision of a more “sustainable food system.”
Last year, Gates announced his investment in Savor, a company producing butter from air and water.
Additionally, the Gates Foundation awarded $4.76 million to Nature’s Fund in 2022, a startup that develops fungi-based proteins.
The U.S. government has also joined the insects-as-food movement through initiatives like the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Center for Environmental Sustainability through Insect Farming (CEIF). [Emphasis mine]
Established in 2021, CEIF focuses on developing methods to use insects as feed for livestock, poultry, and aquaculture.
Gates is also an advocate for individuals to eat “laboratory grown meat” that he claims will help reduce the effects of “climate change” – a myth that is continually perpetrated by Gates, the climate change cult, and most of the world’s governments including the united States. Entities and individuals are willing to bend over backwards to engage in Gates’ Frankensteinian “science” experiments just to get a hold of his money. Common sense (if there is such a thing anymore), ethics, and morality is swiftly discarded in favor of unthinkable abominations to hold a fistful of “research” dollars. It doesn’t stop there either. Politicians, government entities, and the “permanent” government employee structures in government entities benefits as well from the Gates coffers, disguised as philanthropy. Who put Gates in charge?
The introduction of genetically modified insects being put into our food without our consent highlights the contempt they have for us. [Correction – the introduction of genetically modified insects being put into our food without consent highlights the control of government and industry by Gates.]
Meanwhile, in the UK, supermarket ALDI is already contemplating the sale of edible insects as a response to the cost of living crisis. [Coming to the united States soon.]
This move is seen as a practical solution to provide affordable and nutritious food options.
The shift from considering insect consumption a “conspiracy theory” to a “conspiracy fact” reflects changing attitudes towards unconventional food sources.
If you want affordable and nutritious food options, plant a garden to grow your own food using organic growing techniques; purchase meat from individuals who raise beef, chicken, and pork locally; limit or end consumption of processed foods; purchase organic fresh produce; and, learn techniques for home preservation of food from your garden. Those are practical solutions, not consuming insects or fake meat. The only attitudes changing toward “unconventional food sources” are the Gates Frankenstein scientists and government entities he is controlling, along with the idiots who want to be famous, but more like infamous, for their delusional ingenuity. They are all working to end the majority of human life on this earth. It won’t be long before Gates will “direct” the use of humans as some “sustainable, affordable and nutritious” food source.
Seven states in the united States already allow “human composting”. This process involves reducing the human body to “compost” that can be mixed into mulch to regenerate the soil and use as nutrients for plants. Right now, that is just for non-food plants. But, given enough time, the compost of human bodies will be touted as a “green source” for garden fertilizer. It would only be a short hop, skip, and jump to touting humans as a food source – think Soylent Green. You can bet the eugenicist Gates will scramble to get on top of that technology. Idiots and governments will follow the insanity as they are following his insanity now.
Gates could be stopped if there were “he-men” and “she-women” in Congress. But, there aren’t. Those who are there have been purchased along with state governments as well.
Feel free to disagree. Just remember one thing – he who controls the food supply, controls the people. At this point, all appearances point to Bill Gates, the tyrant, who has now conscripted the US DoD.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media