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Suzanne Hamner

Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.

If you have not read the series “Vaccinating Your Pets – What You Should Know” Parts 1 through 5 and have not seen the Sons Of Liberty Media morning show concerning the same, you should read the series and watch the show before continuing. Trigger Warning: If you are a …

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been caught in a lie! That’s no surprise to many as the WHO is best known as the “World Hoax Organization”. But, it was Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer that “whacked the ‘WHO’le”. Mexico’s Ministry of Health head Jorge Alcocer on Wednesday denied reports …

Most of us can remember having what the medical-scientific industrial death complex calls “childhood diseases” – measles, mumps, and chicken pox. If you can’t remember, it is more than likely your mother does. It was common, back in the day, to engage in either “measles” or “chicken pox” parties for …

Well, Jim Jordan (R-OH), House Judiciary Chairman, is at it again, “lashing out on Friday at former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci, for allegedly lying to Congress during his testimony earlier this week.” But, if you read the letter Jordan sent to Fauci, it is …

Fearporn – you would think the American people would have had enough of it by now, particularly those who have rejected the Operation Mockingbird Media and moved to “alternative media”. Unfortunately, that is not the case since some in the “alternative media” circle are “fearmongering” about H5N1 and now H5N2, …

Many researchers, writers, and medical professionals predicted the emergency use authorization and eventual approval of the modified mRNA CONvid-1984 injections would give rise to modified mRNA injections being developed for “routine” childhood and adult illnesses. This earned the predictors the labels “conspiracy theorists”, disinformation disseminators, and misinformation spreaders. As it …

Who can forget some of the old Hollywood, before it became Hollyweird, classic black and white films depicting “mad scientists” working on their next “creation” to unleash upon mankind to cause all manner of inflictions? Unfortunately, today, you don’t have to remember these types of films because you are living …

When the talk of the modified mRNA injections began in 2020 with Donald Trump’s “crowning achievement” of Operation Warp Speed, many researchers, professionals and lay-persons, delved into the realm of “genetic vaccines” and the potential to cause harm from not only injecting the material into the human body, but the …

In this last of the series, “Vaccinating Your Pet – What You Should Know” (Read parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 ), measures pet parents can take to decrease over-vaccination of their furry family members. You will be given information on what to do if you suspect your furry family …

If you have been reading this series on vaccinating your pets (Read parts 1, 2, & 3), there has been a lot of information dispensed about rabies, other illnesses for which vets vaccinate, core and non-core vaccines, some adverse events, and immunity. Now, a look at vaccine adverse events in …