Home»Videos»Australian Whistleblower: Young, “Fully Vaccinated” Citizens Dying Due to Covid-19 Shot Complications (Video)

Australian Whistleblower: Young, “Fully Vaccinated” Citizens Dying Due to Covid-19 Shot Complications (Video)

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We have been warning about this since before the shots were even released upon an unsuspecting public that has been duped into believing in a deadly “invisible Osama bin Laden” upon the world by the name of coronavirus.  Now, an Australian whistleblower is warning that citizens are dying due to COVID-19 shot complications, and those dying are the young.

Listen to the whistleblower.

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A doctor in the A&E department in Australia revealed that those who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 are dying in huge numbers.

To protect his identity for fear of possible retaliation by Australian public health authorities and other government entities, the doctor’s face and voice had to be obscured. However, he proclaimed: “But I am blowing the whistle.”

The whistleblower first raised his concerns after the Australian government began involving children in its mass vaccination program.

He said: “I am increasingly perplexed at the continued government backing of a medical intervention marred by serious complications in the young when there are zero benefits this treatment offers them.”

The doctor pointed out that the phase three drug trials for the covid jabs for children between the ages of five and 11 were rushed and not extensive enough. It only featured an estimated 600 subjects who were put through a six-month preliminary study wherein no adverse reactions were reported.

The whistleblower added that the trial claimed that there may always be serious complications with any medication “but these are unpredictable.”

However, since the vaccine was approved for administration among those under 18-years-of-age, the number of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in the young has surged. According to the whistleblower’s experience as an emergency room doctor, a majority of these cases were either caused by either the Pfizer or Moderna covid-19 vaccine.

The doctor stated that myocarditis is “virtually unheard of” for people under the age of 40. Many of the myocarditis cases involving the jabs that he witnessed led to other heart conditions and complications including shortness of breath, chest pains, heart attack, and even acute heart failure.

In Australia, children as young as five up to the age of 11 are permitted to receive Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine. Whilst the government is encouraging young children to get vaccinated and promoting the jab as “safe and effective,” the whistleblower is concerned for the safety of young people.

“If we are risking this in our children, and I can tell you the risk, however small, is very significant with these vaccines that don’t prevent infection or transmission of COVID, they carry an inherent risk of permanent heart damage while providing absolutely no benefit to the child nor anyone else,” said the whistleblower. “Why should we subject our children to these shots?”

The whistleblower has appealed to Australian parents to consider the risks of the vaccine before getting them stuck in their children’s arms.

“Parents, you might think that the vaccine offers your child freedoms, even if you know it provides no health benefit to your son or daughter,” he said. “But what good would that school excursion be, if they suffer from a reduction in their heart function for the rest of their lives and will almost certainly shorten their lives if they do get vaccine complication?”

He also spoke out asking for doctors to stand up and not comply with everything they are being told, telling them that they shouldn’t be afraid to speak up.

“Being complicit with the unnecessary harm we are unintentionally causing when we knew better or were convinced of the hierarchical narrative does not absolve us of the ethical duty to protect our patients,” he said.

Regarding politicians, the whistleblower said: “These are real people they are permanently affecting, not just statistics. Stop the mandates and discrimination based on medical status. It is unnecessarily harming people in more ways than one.”

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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