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Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at [email protected]

The more we learn about the made-up rules enforced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the more outrageous the entire thing becomes. Anthony Fauci had the utter audacity to sit in Congress and admit they had no data, so they just creatively improvised things like social distancing measures. They fooled a lot …

Well, President Joe Biden checked another catastrophe off his campaign bucket list – a solo press conference. This came after a full day of whoopsies at the NATO Summit. First,  can we please address the fact that President Biden’s own camp referred to last night’s debacle as his “big boy” …

It would be difficult to deny that a lot of folks are going through hard times right now. One survey said that 77% of Americans are feeling anxious about their finances and another, even more alarming study said that 40% of Americans have experienced serious financial problems since the last few months of 2021. …

Welp, it appears that Joe Biden’s supporters finally understand how the rest of us have been feeling for four entire years watching the slow, ongoing train wreck in the White House. His performance at last night’s presidential debate against Donald Trump was absolutely horrifying. He went from looking like a …

In one of the most anticipated and shocking days of Congressional testimony, Dr. Anthony Fauci faced off with Congressional critics who grilled Fauci about COVID protocols, the origins of COVID and the truthfulness (or lack thereof) from Fauci and other experts during the pandemic.  The hearing was nothing short of …

Have you heard the buzz about the new movie Civil War? This past weekend I watched it so I could review it from a prepper’s perspective. If you want to watch it’s available to rent on Amazon Prime. Who is this movie NOT for? Let’s get this part out of the …

Americans love to eat out. But recently, many have reported that even fast food costs too much due to inflation and the demands of higher wages. Hundreds of popular restaurant chains have closed locations this year, which is concerning. You might call it the restaurant apocalypse. When a meal for …

After warning us for months that 2024 could see another deadly pandemic, the medical establishment and governmental health organizations are sounding the alarm bells on bird flu.  Not only are they drawing comparisons to COVID-19, they are, in fact, claiming that bird flu has the potential to be 100 TIMES MORE DEADLY!  …

The FDIC recently released their quarterly report with some disturbing news: they have a list of “problem banks” that are “near insolvency.”  These banks are in trouble because of unrealized losses on securities ballooned from $39 billion to $517 billion. In a quarter. Not year over year. Not over a decade. Over a course …

Sometimes doing everything right isn’t quite enough. You also need some luck. That’s exactly what happened when Shayne Patrick Burke, a disabled Army veteran, was hiking on Signal Mountain, which is in Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal …