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Stephen P. Halbrook

Stephen P. Halbrook, an attorney in Fairfax, Virginia, and senior fellow with the Independent Institute, is author of The Founders’ Second Amendment. and Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France.

Share widely — lives are at stake!  If you have any doubts as to whether the COVID vaccine could kill or maim you — or is being used with full knowledge of its dangers — see this collection of reports on deaths and injuries. This is a holocaust in the …

“It is a fact that facts are stubborn things, while statistics are generally more pliable … figures don’t lie, but liars figure. You can torture numbers and they will confess to anything. And statistics mean never having to say you are sorry.” Rick Kirschner, Insider’s Guide to the Art of …

The capture of Virginia’s legislature by Democrats, who also command the executive branch, has unleashed a spate of bills to criminalize millions of law-abiding gun owners and send them to the penitentiary. The most radical proposal, Senate Bill 16, would make it a felony to possess an ordinary semiautomatic rifle …