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The Washington Standard

Brought up with wealth and privilege. We are constantly admonished that jihad terror activity is the result of poverty and alienation, as well as a lack of education.

Just like their hero, the leaders of the Satanic Temple appear to be experts in deception, and they are leading thousands upon thousands of people down a very dark path.

Never mind that no one alive today ever was a slave, ever owned a slave, or participated in the slave trade. Forget it was Great Britain that imported slaves into the American colonies before the colonies gained independence. Don’t worry that the Spanish engaged heavily in the slave trade and held territory in the Americas. Don’t be concerned that the united States consisted of only 34 States in 1861 at the beginning of the War to Enslave the States. None of that matters; whitey has to pay.

California Governor Gavin Newson is demanding an investigation into why the state’s gas prices are so high. But as Reason points out, it’s not all that difficult to see what that California politicians are the culprit. In fact, the reason the gas prices are high is that Newsom (and other politicians) raised taxes on gasoline.

For refusing to allow police to illegally search her home, an innocent grandma was attacked, kidnapped, injured and denied treatment — and taxpayers, not cops were held accountable.

Chicago politics are in the toilet. But never has that been quite as true as in the case of Governor JB Pritzker. Pritzker was heavily backed by Barack Hussein Obama in his campaign to take power in Illinois.

While the idea of reparations for slavery may be laughable on its face, it must nevertheless be taken seriously, since there are definitely enough propagandized blacks and foolish whites among us to make this a reality given the right (or wrong) combination of a Democratic president and Democrat-controlled Congress.

In the name of fighting the opioid crisis, the federal government has begun arresting big pharma CEOs who have pushed tens of millions of opioids into the streets.

Politicians will only cut spending when the people stop demanding security and start demanding liberty.

In many ways, 2019 is starting to look a lot like 1973. For many Americans, the 1970s represent a rather depressing chapter in U.S. history that they would just like to forget, but the truth is that if we do not learn from history it is much more likely that we will repeat our mistakes. And without a doubt, right now a lot of things are starting to move in a very ominous direction.