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The Washington Standard

Most Christian conservatives will continue to ignore these stories and disparage me because I dared to report them.

Capitalism is the most cooperative system ever created for the peaceful improvement of peoples’ lives. The market system is so good at getting people—from all over the world—to work together that we barely notice how much we’re cooperating.

Why feature these? Well, first, they are ‘back door’ bills into the continued federal overreach into education AND taxpayer abuse. Secondly, some of the ‘biggest’ names in the 2020 Presidential race are either sponsors or co-sponsors.

An LAPD cop is expected to be sentenced to 5 years in prison for raping the 13-year-old daughter of his good friend and fellow police officer.

Even in private, one must embrace the supremacist nails-on-a-chalkboard war cry or suffer the consequences.

We have a fundamental right to say what goes into our bodies and what doesn’t go into our bodies. When any government violates that fundamental right, no matter how good the intentions are, they have entered the realm of tyranny.

What kind of people raise taxes on people living in literal agony? Democrats.

Less than a month after a “bomb cyclone” caused a “1,000 year flood” in the middle portion of the country, another “bomb cyclone” of similar strength is going to bring even more flooding to the High Plains and Upper Midwest.

The government isn’t taking our money to make our lives better. We’re being robbed blind so the governmental elite can get richer. This is nothing less than financial tyranny.

Last month, Arizona representative, David Stringer resigned from his elected position as a representative. After he resigned, records were released showing that he was arrested in the 80s for raping two children—one of whom had a developmental disability. After a subsequent investigation was launched, we are now learning about the …