Author Archive

Tony Elliott

Tony is an established writer with articles in over 20 publications of differing topics
Political Commentary Columnist for the Cimarron News Press in Cimarron, New Mexico from 2001 to 2003 generating the controversy I was hired for.
I also was a regular writer for several small coastal newspapers in Southern Oregon during the early 1990's.
Aura Visions: The Origin Prophecy,

Enviroclowns: The Climate Change Circus,

Strange Sounds: A Research Report

Joe Biden is an unbelievable president, unbelievable that he could be doing such a lousy job and screwing the country over with every action he takes. Unbelievable that he is in office in the first place given the fact that he had hardly any support during the 2020 primaries and …

There are many things that do not add up when it comes to the latest massacre at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, however the same can be said for most mass shootings here in the US. When examining previous massacres in the US since 2012, one discovers many things that …

There is a growing shortage of baby formula across the US prompting concerns from many parents about just how they are going to feed their young children. In many stores around the nation, shelves are empty of this much-needed necessity. Congress can say they are looking into the reasons behind …

These so-called Facebook violations are examples from just 1 group. These posts have been removed, restricted, or tagged for various excuses from some being rated as false to others being labeled as missing content. Those labeled as missing content are articles posted to this group which Facebook simply cannot dispute …

It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in Political Science to realize the 2020 Presidential elections were rigged to the max. Observing the primary campaigns and the general campaigns alone were enough to convince most of this fact.  There is no way that Joe Biden could have legitimately defeated Bernie Sanders in …

Massive rioting has been going on across the US for months, now all compliments of the Socialist Left’s army, ANTIFA and BLM. The objective of the riots has nothing to do with racial injustice and everything to do with the Left’s desire to destroy the USA as a sovereign constitutional …

There is a growing amount of scuttlebutt among a large amount of the US population today who believe COVID-19 is being used as a ruse for a massive nationwide euthanasia program. This is due to the fact that we are told the disease is especially dangerous for people in their …

The Biden campaign and the DNC finally announced Kamala Harris as their Vice President pick. Joe Biden had nothing to do with the decision since he isn’t mentally capable of making that choice, given he is in full-blown Dementia and getting worse each passing day.  This is due in part …

President Trump’s rallies are always great successes, attracting thousands of supporters at each event and getting huge ratings from viewers on both TV and the internet. However, since the Left’s pandemic gimmick, he isn’t able to hold any at a very critical time in the election process where he needs …

By now, we realize the COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest political ruse in American history, created in a Wuhan laboratory owned by George Soros and orchestrated by Barack Obama. What many are not aware of is Dr. Fauci, who many consider the expert on COVID-19, is an Obama holdover and …