Bernie Sanders & the True Nature of the State
I mostly try to avoid the counterproductive partisan nonsense between the two sides of the one-sided political system.
Occasionally, however, extreme polarization and quibbling over minor issues by antagonistic factions—made hysterical by the echo chamber of political inanities and mental illness—results in revealing what one side would do to the other if it held the rein of state and exercised its prerogative of violence.
Martin Weissgerber, a top-level Bernie Sanders organizer, was secretly videotaped by Project Veritas. He advocates rounding up his political opponents in throwing them in “re-education” gulags. As for millionaires, he believes their heads should be liberated from their bodies.
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South Carolina @BernieSanders Field Organizer @martinthemanic: "I'll straight up get armed…I'm ready for the "f**king revolution"; "Guillotine the rich"; 'send Republicans to re-education camps'
FULL RELEASE 12:00PM#Expose2020
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 21, 2020
No doubt Mr. Weissgerber, who appears to be in his 20s, would celebrate a Bernie version of the NKVD troikas, the simplified Soviet system of ferreting out and punishing political opponents. The commie troikas did not allow for the presumption of innocence or legal representation of the accused. It was simply assumed when the state accused somebody of being an “anti-Soviet element,” guilt was indisputable and prison or execution inescapable.
That’s what the kid Weissgerber dreams of for America—a sweeping cultural revolution not much different than the one Mao organized in China, resulting in the murder of millions. It is estimated during Mao’s rule around 80 million people were murdered directly and indirectly by the state. Mao made Hitler and Stalin look like rank amateurs in the practice of mass-murdering political opponents while centralizing and consolidating power.
It would be interesting to get Weissgerber’s take on the Khmer Rouge, the Communist Party of Kampuchea (Cambodia). His ideology is similar to the Khmer Rouge with mention of guillotines and forced re-education. The Khmer Rouge’s Maha Lout Ploh—a repeat of Mao’s cultural revolution and (sic) Great Leap Forward—ultimately resulted in the organized murder of more than three million people.
This overgrown child living the violent dream of a now geriatric Weather Underground psychopath was undoubtedly trained to hate and advocate murder by “cultural Marxist” professors and instructors “teaching” at “public” (state-run and taxpayer-financed) institutions. It is likely he harbored violent and envious fantasies before attaining a position as a top-level Bernie Sanders organizer and political activist.
It’s not likely Bernie Sanders will become president. He will simply fade into the background after Trump is re-elected or a Democrat acceptable to the ruling elite—think dementia candidate Joe Biden—is selected to read from the teleprompter.
If Trump is indeed re-elected—and this is certainly a possibility now that impeachment is basically a nonstarter—demented fantasists like Weissgerber will take to the street in Antifa fashion, assaulting enemies pointed out by their autocratic leaders and theorists. This will result in furious retaliation and a further widening of the dangerous polarity between political factions.
This division, polarity, and simmering hate between political groups will ultimately result in an all-out war in America—probably between now and the election, and definitely after if Trump is voted back into office.
I have no idea how all of this will play out. I know, however, looking back at history, that people advocating and practicing violence against their opponents on behalf of the state—and this is precisely what Weissgerber is advocating in turn if the Bernie vanguard makes it to the Oval Office—are often the first to be singled out, accused, tortured, imprisoned, and executed as “counter-revolutionary” by the new government. This is what happened to Mao’s Gang of Four after the murderous “reforms” in China failed.
The state invariably requires patsies and false flag events to deflect blame and distract the masses of ill-informed and propagandized citizens from real problems and real solutions.
Article posted with permission from Kurt Nimmo