Home»Commentary»Boston’s Black Police Commissioner Fired by Black Mayor Over Domestic Violence – Blames Racism

Boston’s Black Police Commissioner Fired by Black Mayor Over Domestic Violence – Blames Racism

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In the magical imaginary world of systemic racism, a city can be run by black officials and still be systemically racist.

Take Boston, which has set all sorts of wonderful representation records, and yet is systemically racist. So systemically racist that a black mayor fired a black police commissioner accused of domestic violence because of… racism.

Boston Mayor Kim Janey fired the city’s police commissioner Monday, saying allegations of domestic violence against him eroded “public trust in his judgment and ability to lead.”

In a closed-door hearing last week, Dennis White, who had been on leave as police commissioner since February, admitted that he had “hit and pushed members of his household,” sealing his fate, Janey said.

Clearly, this was all caused by… systemic racism.

White’s attorney, Nicholas Carter, said his client had been victimized by Janey’s “rush to judgment.”

“He is a Black man, falsely accused of crimes, not given a fair trial or hearing, and then convicted, or terminated which is the equivalent here,” Carter said in a statement. “This reflects an ugly pattern in our country. The investigation was biased.”

Carter is… white.

Now I don’t want to delve into White’s domestic issues. I have no idea if he did something wrong or if he’s being set up by his wife. This seems like the usual ugly family dispute and it’s possible that the charges are either false or blown out of proportion.

But his lawyer rushing to blame racism for the decision by a black mayor to oust him is the issue here.

When everything is racism, then nothing is racism. And when a black woman can be accused of racism, instead of possibly sexism, for firing a black city official accused of misbehavior, that’s the living breathing absurdity of systemic racism.

Article posted with permission from Daniel Greenfield

The Washington Standard

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