Bought & Paid For: Hillary Took Illegally Bundled Money From NXIVM Sex Cult – Obama Was Funded With Millions In Foreign Campaign Contributions
Two huge bombshells have emerged in the last several days.
Hillary Clinton stands accused of taking money from the NXIVM sex cult and other key Democrats have been linked to the cult as well. The accusations come from a former publicist of the NXIVM sex cult.
This is an insider who certainly knew the inner workings of the group.
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As we reported Monday:
A former publicist for the infamous sex cult NXIVM has come forward as a whistleblower to tell all that he knows about the evils he witnessed while working for the group – and perhaps more importantly, to reveal the identities of some of the corrupt politicians who were also involved.
During an exclusive interview on The Campaign Show with Patrick Howley, which airs on Patriots Soapbox, Frank Parlato discussed the trial of Keith Raniere, NXIVM’s cult leader and top dog. Parlato also talked about how Raniere and other NXIVM leadership were very closely aligned with Hillary Clinton, having given “illegally bundled money,” to quote Big League Politics, to her 2008 presidential campaign.
According to Parlato, NXIVM routinely trafficked in teenage girls from Mexico, who were then turned into sex slaves and physically branded on their bodies with Raniere’s initials. And unbeknownst to millions of Americans are the many mainstream politicians who, at the very least, appear to have known that this was going on – and some of whom may have also been perpetrators themselves.
The article goes on to talk about other key democrat involvement in the NXIVM sex cult, including Kirsten Gillibrand. You can read more about that scandal here.
It’s Not Just Hillary…
Not to be outdone by Hillary’s rookie league scam, Barack Obama actually won his 2012 re-election bid with the help of $21.6 million dollars in contributions from foreigners.
Are you kidding me?
That’s not legal.
Don’t tell me that he and his staff could take in $21.6 million and not know that it was dirty money. Still, the DOJ is not going after Obama. They are going after the donors. This story broke on Friday of last week and the mainstream media let it die. We didn’t find out about it until Monday and reported on it Tuesday.
From Shepherd Ambellas:
According to reports circulating at the highest levels in Washington, former U.S. President Barack H. Obama’s political campaign received at least $21.6 million in illegal foreign campaign contributions during the runup to the 2012 presidential election.
The U.S. Justice Department announced on Friday that Malaysian businessman Low Taek Jho and former Fugees rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel have been charged with conspiracy after allegedly funneling tens of millions of dollars into Obama’s campaign fund.
How does one accept $21.6 million dollars into campaign coffers without knowing it is illegally contributed? My guess is that one doesn’t.
According to David J Harris, “As you are probably aware, foreigners and foreign companies are forbidden by law to contribute to political campaigns. They are especially not allowed to funnel 21.6 million dollars from foreign donors to a campaign. The feds indicted Pras Michel, a rapper for the group ‘The Fugees’ on Friday for funneling tens of millions of dollars to the 2012 Obama reelection fund. Jho Low was indicted last year on conspiracy charges related to a scam from which he will be facing charges that he bilked investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars. Low provided the money to Pras Michel.”
The powers that be, would be sure to label this fake news, as they would label any article on my non-establishment approved site. Of course the big boys didn’t even bother to report this bombshell.
But the Department of Justice is all over this, so why isn’t the media?
Here’s a snip from the DOJ report:
A United States entertainer and businessman and a Malaysian financier were charged in a four-count indictment unsealed today in the District of Columbia for conspiring to make and conceal foreign and conduit campaign contributions during the United States presidential election in 2012, announced Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division.
Prakazrel “Pras” Michel, 46, and Low Taek Jho, 37, also known as “Jho Low,” were charged with one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States government and for making foreign and conduit campaign contributions. Michel also was charged with one count of a scheme to conceal material facts and two counts of making a false entry in a record in connection with the conspiracy. Michel appeared today for his arraignment before U.S. Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey in the District of Columbia. Low remains at large.
I’m sure Obama didn’t have a clue. /sarc
So we have Hillary taking money from a criminal sex cult and Obama taking money from foreign entities. Do you think these guys just came up with $21.6 million because they totally believed in Barack Obama? Do you think Hillary accepted money from that sex cult without knowing where it was coming from?
If you believe that Hillary or Obama is innocent, I have some Ocean front property in SW Missouri for sale, and it’s cheap. Cash only, please.
Still, the DOJ doesn’t go after the criminal establishment politicians.
They go after their henchmen.
I long for a day in America where real justice is served. Let’s lock both of these $%$&$%!!’s up.
Will it ever happen?
I believe it will because I believe they will both rot in hell.
But as for this world… The chances are almost zero.
Article posted with permission from Dean Garrison