Home»US»California Tyrant Gavin Newsome Lifts COVID Restrictions Immediately After Biden Inauguration – Right On Cue

California Tyrant Gavin Newsome Lifts COVID Restrictions Immediately After Biden Inauguration – Right On Cue

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People in California are finally figuring out how blatant the oppressive tyranny they are allowing themselves to live under has been. Now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated, master Gavin Newsome has lifted the state’s partial stay-at-home order, permitting some dining and services to resume.

Many are accusing him of playing politics.  And it isn’t so much politics as he’s just doing to the slaves what masters do: bark orders and expect obedience or be punished.

People are finally getting it.  The rulers don’t care about you.  They want only power and control. It’s nice to see people realizing it, however.

Democratic leaders in multiple states have rolled back their coronavirus restrictions in the week since Biden took office. Michigan, Illinois, and Washington, DC all eased their virus-prevention measures in recent days. The lifting of some restrictions in California, however, means life for many is still oppressively restrictive.

While hair and nail salons may now open, dining is restricted to outdoors, as are church services, according to a report by RT. Bars that serve only beverages must remain shut, and local officials have somehow given themselves the power over others to impose stricter regulations as they see fit. If you haven’t figured it out yet, government is slavery and it’s going to become much more apparent that we are living on a prison planet and have been for quite some time as 2021 rolls forward.

Article posted with permission from Mac Slavo

The Washington Standard

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