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A leftist ran over and killed a “Republican extremist” teen. How much time did he get? Two-tier justice system? Absolutely. Joe Biggs, a member of the Proud Boys who dared to shake a fence at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has just been sentenced to seventeen years in prison for doing …

Who actually gained something from 9/11? For one, the State of Israel gained the US’ involvement in the Middle East in Afghanistan, Iraq and to some extent Syria. However, in the US itself, it was the tyrants in DC and those who pull their strings behind the scenes who also …

Could al-Qaeda carry out a major attack inside the United States again? Is anyone inside the Biden regime’s corrupt, clueless, and compromised Department of Homeland Security even paying attention to that possibility? Although law enforcement authorities and the establishment media have cultivated the habit of ignoring it, al-Qaeda still exists. …

Sept. 17 each year marks the historic moment in “the year of our Lord 1787” when the United States Constitution was signed in Philadelphia. This was a great milestone in world history. More of the constitutions around the world have been patterned after our nation’s governing document than any other frame of …

There are many lessons that Americans have not learned from what took place on September 11, 2001.  While the official narrative should not be believed due to a multitude of evidence, there are very practical things that occurred as a result which the People of the united States of America …

Gloria Sharlein joins me in this episode to tell how she took two of the Pfizer COVID shots, the second one made her so ill that she thought she would die. Facing high blood pressure, heart palpitations, heavy, uncontrolled menstrual bleeding and much more just hours after her second shot, …

It wouldn’t be a speech by Old Joe Biden if it didn’t contain a lie, but this was a particularly egregious one even for the conscienceless kleptocrat who currently occupies the Oval Office. On Monday, the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 jihad attacks, Old Joe stood in Alaska, the length …

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” — Abraham Lincoln Those who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights believed that the government exists at the behest of its …

The stage has been set for a societal meltdown of epic proportions.  When the United States went through the Great Depression of the 1930s, conditions were extremely rough, but our country was able to successfully weather the storm thanks to the relatively high character of the American people.  Unfortunately, several …

Jim White of Northwest Liberty News joins me in this episode to share with the audience what appears to be corruption that reaches from one of the biggest credit unions in the state up to the Montana Supreme Court and it involves huge land grabs from the citizens of the …