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“A general Dissolution of the Principles and Manners will more surely overthrow the Liberties of America than the whole Force of the Common Enemy.” -Samuel Adams This past week has brought in a wave of purposed lies from this criminal administration only to establish that which is unconstitutional, as well …

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. –John 8:36 In America, people often think that being able to do whatever you want, even sinful and criminal behavior, is the definition of freedom and liberty. Such is not the case. In fact, the people who …

Christianity is being criminalized in the United States.  No, I am not talking about the kind of Christianity that is so prevalent in America today where “Christians” just ignore what the Bible says and do whatever they wanted to do in the first place anyway.  Rather, I am talking about …

Forward: If there is one thing that has become obvious when it comes to President Obama’s “fundamental transformation,” it is that there is without a doubt, an agenda to disarm American citizens and do away with the Second Amendment. Many Americans make the mistake of believing that this is Obama’s …

Last week, retired Major League Baseball pitcher and analyst for ESPN Curt Schilling was suspended by the sports network for posting a “controversial” meme about Muslims on Twitter. The tweet in question allegedly compared Muslims to Nazis via a quote that said in part, “Only 5-10 percent of Muslims are …

Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’S side? Let him come unto me.” Exodus 32:26 This last week, the Minneapolis Star and Tribune (called The Red Star by locals) posted a picture of a group of people claiming to be affiliated …

Homosexual activists, and their straight minions and familiars, wield as one of their primary weapons of dis-information, the twisting of Scripture, in order to support their abominable practices, and to bash Christians for cherrypicking which Laws in Scripture that we follow while ignoring others, and in doing so they pave …

The Ashley Madison hack, the exposure of adultery and the site itself are all reprehensible and sinful. In some states, adultery is still considered a crime and under the Law of God, it is a capital offense. However, there is at least one outlet claims that around 400 church leaders …

Alright, so this sick pig of a deviant administration and its lackeys in the press find cause to celebrate the hiring of the White House’s “first transgender staffer” in the flaccid form of Rafael (Raffi) Freedman-Gurspan, 28, a previous policy adviser for the National Center for Transgender Equality’s racial and …

This month, conducted an interview with John Bachtell, national chairman of the Communist Party USA. Bachtell, 59, was essentially a red diaper baby; his parents were leftists who were active in various radical causes during the 1950s and 1960s, although the article portrays them as civil rights crusaders. These …