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It’s interesting, isn’t it?  Considering that our Constitution voiced several things at the beginning of why it was being established and today, it’s all about the money, literally.  As corporate fascists and those in government work together to enrich themselves at the expense of the People.  In fact, this is …

As Donald Trump prepares to enter the People’s White House again, crypto currency and Central Bank Digital Currencies are also front and center.  While Trump has been elated over his family crypto currency and endorses it, along with pitching a “national bitcoin reserve,” he has been openly denouncing CBDCs.  To …

It is that time of the year again.  The Social Security Administration has finally released the final wage statistics for 2023, and they are quite sobering.  According to the report, last year the “median wage” in this country was just $43,222.81.  In other words, half of all American workers made less …

When nearly half of all small businesses are struggling so much that they can’t even pay their rent, you have an enormous economic crisis on your hands.  The last time that we witnessed anything like this was during the peak of the COVID pandemic, but here in 2024 we don’t …

The initial trio of pieces in The Chain series have focused on the three essential pillars for creating a new digital monetary system. The first, The Chain of Custody, examined the construction of novel custodial infrastructure to enable the secure holding of billions of dollars worth of digital assets after the proliferation of …

The economy is the number one political issue in America right now, and it isn’t because the economy is doing well.  The long-term economic collapse that I have been writing about for years is playing out right in front of our eyes, and it is going to have an enormous impact on …

One of the main reasons why Americans are in such a foul mood right now is because the economy is in really bad shape and it just keeps getting worse.  This is very good news for the Trump campaign because most Americans don’t want things to remain the same.  A …

A recent survey discovered that 79 percent of Americans believe that the U.S. is on the wrong track right now.  As a nation, we may not agree on much, but this is one thing that almost all of us can agree on.  Needless to say, the economy is the number one …

The health of the economy has been a major determining factor in many past presidential elections, and the health of the economy is certainly going to have an enormous influence on the outcome of the upcoming presidential election.  In fact, according to a poll that was just released by Rasmussen the economy …

A lot is riding on the upcoming election, and there are financial changes you may want to make before it happens. If you have your money in the banking system, now could be the time to move it to a safe, tangible haven such as gold or silver. While we don’t …