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The United States nuclear submarine that took part in the attack on Syria over the alleged chemical weapons use is not allowed back in the waters near Naples, Italy, the mayor declared.

“The White Helmets is a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists,” Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters said.

Thousands of Marines and U.S. troops kicked off a major military training exercise that is reportedly set to include civilian evacuation operations, as well as chemical and biological drills. The drills followed the U.S.-led Anglo-alliance’s assault on neighboring Syria, which was allegedly in retaliation for a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma.

A United Nations adviser and the founder of Street Kids International was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia after he was caught with two young children during a police raid.

As the US hints that there won’t be any more strikes on Syria, and with Russia sending even more reinforcements, Bashar al-Assad can all but claim victory over the US-backed terrorist “rebels.”

While the U.S. brags that it attacked a chemical weapons facility in Syria, witnesses claim that it actually destroyed a cancer research center.

Defense Strategy and Capability at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute senior analyst Dr. Malcolm Davis says Australia’s fuel reserves would last “20 days at best” if supplies were cut off, reports.

The attack on Syria by Western powers has put officials in the UK on edge. They now feel that Russia will retaliate with a cyber attack against UK hospitals and other services including air traffic control, and one expert believes such an attack is imminent. Counter-terrorism expert Michael Clarke, who specializes in defense studies, has urged the public to be ready for “cyber warfare” within the next two or three weeks.

“Whenever the Syrian army achieves victory in the field, some western countries rise their voices and intensify their movements in an attempt to change the track of events,” President al-Assad said.

There is no way Assad gassed his people. To what end? To rile up the West? It makes no sense. He won, he is in place, why gas now?