Home»US»China Joe Unveils Pentagon “China Task Force” To Deal With China “Challenges” – No, Really

China Joe Unveils Pentagon “China Task Force” To Deal With China “Challenges” – No, Really

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This news could give you a reason to stay up at night. Joe Biden’s administration is getting more aggressive against China. Biden has unveiled a Pentagon “China task force” to deal with the “challenges” China poses.

As the Asian nation has over one billion in population, a war with the CCP would end badly for the United States. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that a war with China is already all but lost. Maybe everyone except Joe Biden.  Because he’s flexing muscle he doesn’t have toward the Chinese. Biden has launched a military task force to assess US policy toward Beijing, vowing to confront the “China challenge” as he continues his predecessor’s naval deployments in the country’s backyard, according to numerous reports. 

In a move that amounts to ramping up military aggression dramatically, Biden announced the new task force during a Pentagon visit on Wednesday, his first to the department, declaring that his administration would “meet the growing challenges posed by China to keep peace and defend our interests.”  This decision has nothing to do with “peace.”

Anytime the government talks about peace, you’d be wise to prepare for war.

Led by Eli Ratner, who serves as special assistant on China to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the task force will be composed of 15 civilian and uniformed defense officials and will deliver its findings to Austin within four months, according to a Pentagon fact sheet, which dubbed the project a “sprint effort.” The panel is not expected to produce a publicly available report, however -RT

Biden also said he would not “hesitate to use force,” against China.

Biden’s first major foreign policy address took a combative stance toward Beijing, which he dubbed America’s “most serious competitor” while echoing rhetoric reminiscent of Trump’s on China’s alleged economic abuses” and “attack” on intellectual property. In announcing the China task force on Wednesday, the president went even further in his vows to confront Beijing, warning that he would “never hesitate to use force,” though nonetheless said military action should be a “last resort.” -RT

If this escalates, this will be the final nail in the coffin of this country. Wake up.  These people (all ruling classes ad elitists) want war.  But they won’t be fighting it. They want money, but they won’t be earning it.  They want power, and they will be taking it from us by force.

Remain vigilant.  Things seem to be coalescing behind the scenes. Put two and two together and use your discernment to come up with the answers, because we know we won’t get them anywhere else.

Article posted with permission from Mac Slavo

The Washington Standard

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