Article first appeared at by Joshua Krause
Thedailysheeple – With a string of hundreds of military bases scattered all over the world, the US has long been the world’s indisputable global superpower. Few nations even have an overseas military presence, let alone multiple bases on six different continents. However, it appears the US is about to find another competitor in the global hegemony game.
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China has just signed a 10 year contract with the government of Djibouti to create a military base near the Red Sea. The base will be a logistics hub and airfield, which will give the Chinese military an extensive reach into the continent. Both the US and China have been competing for economic and political influence in the resource rich continent for some time now, but this is the first time that China has challenged America’s military presence in Africa. The base is clearly an effort to stymie America’s influence, since it’s located not far from a US military hub in Djibouti, known as Camp Lemonnier.
History may mark this moment as the beginning of the end of America’s dominance over Africa. While US corporate and military interests often invite chaos and insurgency to every nation they arrive in (i.e. Libya), the Chinese are more interested in providing mutually beneficial investment opportunities to the impoverished nations of Africa.
The US on the other hand, prefers to bully poor nations into giving up their resources, and overthrow governments that don’t play ball. China clearly has a more sustainable and profitable approach to Africa. It’s only a matter of time before the nations of Africa decide to oust their American overlords, and invite Chinese business and military interests.