Court Lifts Ban on Planned Parenthood Video – CMP Releases Footage of StemExpress CEO Joking about Shock of Receiving Whole Babies from Planned Parenthood
A Superior Court Judge ruled Friday that the Center for Medical Progress has the right, protected under the First Amendment to release videos it obtained covertly, exposing the criminal activity of StemExpress and Planned Parenthood. Almost immediately, CMP released a video of the CEO of StemExpress joking about how the company received whole babies intact from Planned Parenthood.
Seriously, this is beyond sick and I frankly don’t understand why there is not a complete societal uprise to go and deal with these monsters and bring them to justice. Yet, the video only indicates that there are even more Nazi-like horrors to follow.
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MRCTV reports:
This latest video is only two minutes long and is more of a trailer of things to come. Most of its content was made up of bits and pieces of previous videos. The one new section featured Cate Dyer, the CEO of StemExpress in a lunch meeting with undercover operatives posing as representatives of a biotech firm. Dyer is seen laughing about how StemExpress purchases fully intact aborted babies from Planned Parenthood. As she paid the check, Dyer is laughing about how lab recipients of the aborted babies go into shock when they open a box to find an “intact case” (whole body):
“Oh, yeah, if you have intact cases, which we’ve done a lot, we sometimes ship those bacl to our lab in its entirety: “Tell the lab it’s coming; they’ll open the box and go, ‘Oh, my God!”
CMP explains the terminology used by those in its videos to describe an entire aborted body:
StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer admits that StemExpress gets intact fetuses from the abortion clinics they work with shipped to their laboratory. “Case” is the clinical term for an individual abortion (cross reference with Planned Parenthood Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola’s discussion of “this case, that case” in lunch video), so an “intact case” means an “intact abortion.”
Once the CMP videos began to be released, StemExpress realized a lunch they had back in May was probably an undercover sting, so they sued to preemptively block those videos from being seen. Judge O’Donnell issued a restraining order barring CMP from releasing any videos showing current or former Stem Express employees, at the end of July – then rescinded the order today.
StemExpress made an announcement this week that it was cutting all ties with Planned Parenthood, but denied any wrongdoing. Well then, if you haven’t done anything wrong, why the breakup? The fact is that these people knew babies were being murdered and they profited from it. You bet your bottom dollar they did wrong, bigtime!
Still, the company is pursuing a lawsuit against the Center for Medical Progress for violating its privacy. Seriously, this company engages in the harvesting of organs from babies that were murdered and all they can do is attack those who exposed their goulish “business.” And they expect the public to side with them? I’m not holding my breath on that one.
The public has been outraged enough that on Saturday, literally hundreds of protests are being held across the country against Planned Parenthood murder mills. Still, Washington is debating defunding Planned Parenthood, even going after states that defund Planned Parenthood, while every sane and constitutionally-bound person in the country knows it should have never been funded in the first place.