DEFEATED: Kerry Begs Russians for ‘De-Confliction Talks’
Put a fork in him, he’s done and his has taken the US, our allies and freedom loving peoples with him. Upstaged, upended and usurped, Obama’s only option now is to grovel.
Russia is bombing our allies, Assad’s enemies, in Syria not ISIS. “It’s one thing for us to be humiliated, but another for it to be shown to the world,” said Charles Krauthammer.
Russian President Vladimir Putin‘s decision to ramp up Moscow’s military presence in Syria to support President Bashar Assad caught the Obama administration flat-footed and complicates its stated goal of simultaneously ousting Assad’s regime while degrading and destroying ISIS.
Faced with reports of Russian warplanes in Syria attacking non-ISIS positions near Homs, Kerry is begging for “de-confliction talks” with Russia from the United Nations Security Council in New York.
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“We would have grave concerns should Russia strike areas where ISIL and al-Qaida-affiliated targets … are not operating,” Kerry said, Fox News reported.
In a previous post, I quoted Charles Krauthammer who explained it fully:
The real story this week is what happened at the U.N., where Putin essentially stepped in and took over Syria,” Krauthammer continued. “He’s now the leader.” “And we concede essentially that Assad will say under the protection of the Russians,” Krauthammer said. “And the irony is that the Russians aren’t in there to fight ISIS. The Russians are in there to support Assad, establish their dominance in the region to bring in Iran and to establish military facilities. They have no interest in fighting Assad.” “The Russians launched a half a dozen drones earlier this week over Western Hamid and over Latakia,” he said. “In not one of those areas is there a single ISIS fighter. This isn’t about the Russians taking on ISIS. This is about the Russians taking over Syria and keeping Assad as a client in place. That’s what happened even as the administration sputters because it has no idea what to do.
But it gets worse:
Putin’s offer is clear: Stop fighting Assad, accept Russia as a major player and acquiesce to a Russia-Iran-Hezbollah regional hegemony — and we will lead the drive against the Islamic State from in front.
And there is a bonus. The cleverest part of the Putin gambit is its unstated cure for Europe’s refugee crisis.
Wracked by guilt and fear, the Europeans have no idea what to do. Putin offers a way out: No war, no refugees. Stop the Syrian civil war and not only do they stop flooding into Europe, those already there go back home to Syria.
Putin says, settle the war with my client in place — the Assad regime joined by a few “healthy” opposition forces — and I solve your refugee nightmare.
You almost have to admire the cynicism. After all, what’s driving the refugees is the war and what’s driving the war is Iran and Russia. They provide the materiel, the funds and now, increasingly, the troops that fuel the fighting. The arsonist plays fireman.
After all, most of the refugees are not fleeing the Islamic State. Its depravity is more ostentatious, but it is mostly visited upon minorities, Christian and Yazidi — and they have already been largely ethnically cleansed from Islamic State territory. The European detention camps are overflowing with Syrians fleeing Assad’s barbarism, especially his attacks on civilians, using artillery, chlorine gas and nail-filled barrel bombs.
Putin to the rescue. As with the chemical weapons debacle, he steps in to save the day. If we acquiesce, Russia becomes an indispensable partner. It begins military and diplomatic coordination with us. (We’ve just agreed to negotiations over Russia’s Syrian buildup.) Its post-Ukraine isolation is lifted and, with Iran, it becomes the regional arbiter.
Weak: Kerry begs Russians for ‘de-confliction talks,’ WND, September 30, 2015
‘This is a very, very, very sad day for America and the world’
Secretary of State John Kerry did the diplomatic equivalent of groveling on his hands and knees before his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, on Wednesday.
Faced with reports of Russian warplanes in Syria attacking non-ISIS positions near Homs, Kerry called for “de-confliction talks” with Russia from the United Nations Security Council in New York.
“We would have grave concerns should Russia strike areas where ISIL and al-Qaida-affiliated targets … are not operating,” Kerry said, Fox News reported.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to ramp up Moscow’s military presence in Syria to support President Bashar Assad caught the Obama administration flat-footed and complicates its stated goal of simultaneously ousting Assad’s regime while degrading and destroying ISIS.
“Russia has played a horrible hand brilliantly. We folded what could have been a pretty good hand,” retired U.S. diplomat Ryan Crocker and Middle East expert told the Washington Post on Tuesday. “The Russians were able to turn a defensive position into an offensive one because we were so completely absent.”
Republican Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, echoed Crocker’s sentiment while appearing on MSNBC Wednesday with Andrea Mitchell.
“What we should be doing and saying to the Russians is that we’re going to fly anywhere, anytime, anyhow we want to in order to stem the flow of ISIS. … Instead, we’re talking about trying to have some accommodation with Russian aircraft. Again, an incredible sign of weakness. … Isn’t it clear yet that Putin is going to do what he wants to do because he believes he can do it with impunity?” said the Arizona senator.
McCain also took time to explicitly blast Kerry.
“John Kerry and his spokesperson said it is not clear what Russia’s intentions are. It was perfectly clear what Russia’s intentions are!”
The senator said Putin is asserting Russian military might in a way not seen since 1973 in order to protect his military base in Tartus and prop up Assad.
The free WND special report “ISIS Rising,” by Middle East expert and former Department of Defense analyst Michael Maloof, will answer your questions about the jihadist army threatening the West.
Kerry’s speech Wednesday also asserted U.S. warplanes would continue to operate in Syrian airspace despite Russian requests to cease all flights.
“The United States and the coalition will continue our ongoing air operations as we have from the very beginning,” Kerry said.
“It did not have to be this way,” McCain said earlier in the day from the U.S. Senate floor. “This is the inevitable consequence of hollow words, red lines crossed … and a total lack of American leadership. … This is a very, very, very sad day for America and the world,” Fox News reported.
*Article by Pamela Geller
Pamela Geller’s commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books