Doctor Who Died Less Than A Year After Exposing Fauci’s Genocide Still Speaking Today (Video)
A video of Dr. Robert Wilner is making its rounds on the internet today, nearly 30 years after it was filmed. Dr. Wilner died less than a year after this presentation, allegedly from a heart attack, in which he exposed the crimes of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute for Health concerning HIV.
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Wilner is the author of the book Deadly Deception: the Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS. His presentation below was given on December 7, 1994.
Here’s Dr. Wilner’s comments.
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Dr. Wilner said:
We are talking about the most horrible scandal and scam ever perpetrated, not only in the name of “science,” but in humanity and all history.
Today is December 7th. I was 12 years old when the attack on Pearl Harbor came. And I remember World War II very well.
And it is a very significant day today, because I see an incredible parallel between what is going on in the so called “AIDS epidemic,” and what happened in the years preceding and resulting in World War II.
The great lie of Hitler – it’s amazing, I think he would envy the job being done by members of the National Institutes of Health, and even the media, especially in this country.
And I will put the lie to the individuals of the NIH, particularly Gallo, Fauci, and Haseltine and Essex and the rest of these scoundrels of the worst order.
Criminals guilty of genocide, without a doubt.
I invite them to take me to court! I wish Burroughs Wellcome would take me to court!
Because they have been putting out a killer drug knowingly. Because in a court of law, I would have the opportunity to provide the absolute proof and evidence, as I have in my book, Deadly Deception.
Now I’m not alone in what I am doing here today. How does the Press escape such obvious truth?
Why would the finest virologist in the world, the most noted virologist, member of our National Academy of Sciences, Peter Duesberg, why would he put his entire career on the line? What did he have to gain?
He’s already lost his laboratory. And his funding. We can’t take away his professorship because he is tenured.
Health Impact News has written extensively on Fauci and company and their parade of genocide and asks the question:
If this was true of Anthony Fauci almost 30 years ago, where Dr. Wilner says Hitler would have been jealous of how many people he killed back in 1994, what does that say about Anthony Fauci today in light of the COVID-19 Plandemic, and the bioweapons he helped create starting back during the days of his AIDS research that are incorrectly called COVID-19 “vaccines” today?
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Health Impact News goes over years of articles produced that answer the above question.
Wilner was not the only one who called out Fauci. Kary Mullis, who received the Nobel Prize for his invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test, has this to say about Fauci.
In concluding a plethora of articles to back up his point, Brain Shilhavy concludes:
EVERYTHING published in this article is OLD information. Yet for some reason, Fauci is now on the hot seat for his involvement in the Wuhan lab and the creation of a COVID-19 bioweapon.
Senator Rand Paul and others are finally starting to ask questions and raise some concerns, but none have gone far enough yet, as nobody has dealt with the abundance of evidence contained in this article.
Is Fauci too untouchable to face justice?
Maybe here on earth, but justice will most certainly catch up to him at some point, hopefully sooner than later, to stop the carnage of human lives this man has caused, all funded by the American taxpayers.
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Indeed, and it’s now time the American people started to build the gallows for the criminals like Fauci that need to be brought to justice in the here and now.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media