Dr. Robert Young: Millions Have Died From The COVID Injections
You may recall that Dr. Robert Young was the man who made the claim based on his discovery that the COVID shots contained graphene oxide, parasites, stainless steel and other metals. On Wednesday, he made the claim that millions have died from these experimental shots.
- Microscopy Expert Dr. Robert Young Claims COVID Vials Contain Graphene Oxide, Parasites, Stainless Steel (Video)
- Could The US Actually Be Looking At More Than 300,000 Deaths From The Experimental COVID Injections In Just 4 Months? (Video)
- Is What The CDC’s VAERS Not Telling Us The Real Danger Of The COVID Jabs?
- More Than 3,000 Doctors & Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ (Video)
- Molecular Biologist Speaks At City Council Meeting On COVID Shots – Reiterates The Dangers: 15-100% Mortality (Video)
The Vaccine Death Report shows all the scientific evidence that millions of innocent people lost their lives and hundreds of millions are suffering crippling side effects, after being injected with the experimental CoV – 19 injections. The report exposes the strategic methods used by governments and health agencies to hide 99% of all vaccine injuries and deaths. You will also learn who is really behind all of this, and what their true agenda is.
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The report also shows horrifying lab results obtained by optical microscopy investigation of several vaccine vials: living creatures with tentacles, as well as self-assembling nanorobots. See the micrograph below of a Hydra vulgaris parasite viewed by Dr. Madej using optical microscopy at 600x:

The Vaccine Death Report contains a tremendous amount of critical information, that you will find nowhere else in such a comprehensive and well organized format. It ends with a strong message of hope, that will greatly empower you.

So, what’s in the report? 51 pages of facts and damning evidence against Big Pharma conspirators against the people of the world. Take a look.
The Vaccine Death Report By Dr. Robert Young by Tim Brown on Scribd
- This Horrifying Discovery & The Number Of Deaths & Injuries Should Be Enough To Stop The Shots
- Scientists In Spain Analyzed Pfizer Injection Contents & The Ingredients Are More Than Disturbing (Video)
- Science Paper Documents “Self-Assembled Magnetic Nanosystems” For Cybernetic Biocircuitry Interface & Control Systems In Humans, Including “DNA Hydrogel” Tech
- Epigeneticist Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude Discusses Aspects Of CONvid-1984 & mRNA Technology (Video)
Back in May, Dr. Young wrote, along with an update in August of this year:
All the warnings from the qualified medical experts, all the publishing of the vaccines deadly ingredients, all the personal testimonials of those who wish they had never taken the injection, all that combined, there is nothing more persuasive lies than the ‘Bad Actors’ own severely underestimated numbers.
The combined totals for the CDC’s VAERS (U.S.) and EudraVigilance (Europe) reporting agencies are as follows (the numbers below represent less than 10 percent of the actual deaths and injuries that have occurred since the inoculations began in January 2021):
34,052 DEAD & 5,410,944 INJURED*
(Less Than1 Percent Actually Reported
USA Reported Injuries 545,337 and Deaths at 12,366 and Europeans Reported 1,960,607 Injuries and 20,525 Deaths through July 30, 2021)
Estimated Non-Reported Deaths & Injuries Worldwide
34,052,000 DEAD&541,410,00 INJURED*
[*2010 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Study]
So again, if nothing else has impressed you, just look at VAERS and EudraVigalnce NUMBERS and then let the light of truth speak to your soul and begin teaching you all things which you should know and do to protect yourself and your loved ones!
- National Security & The COVID Jab With Dr. Lee Merritt (Video)
- Dr. Lee Merritt On Experimental “Operating System” Injections: We’re Going To See A Lot Of Deaths
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: COVID Was Created To Scare World To Take Injection That Will Kill Them (Video)
- Doctor: Pfizer Whistleblower Claims 200,000 People Have Died From Pfizer COVID Shot Within 1 Week Of Getting It (Video)
This is the same sort of extrapolation that I posed early on based on the study we know that came out of Harvard where less than one percent of adverse reactions and deaths are even reported.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media