EEOC: Employers Don’t Have To Give Equal Opportunity To Employees Who Refuse The State’s Experimental Gene-Altering Injection
A United States agency says that it’s perfectly acceptable for an employer to mandate a COVID-19 “vaccine” or experimental gene therapy shot as a condition of employment. On Friday, right before the long holiday weekend, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) said you don’t have to give equal opportunity to those who refuse the state’s injection.
In a push to get as many of these shots into as many people as possible, the government is pulling out all the stops. The EEOC, in a statement posted on its website explaining its updated guidance, said employees can be required to be vaccinated as long as employers comply with the reasonable accommodation provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws.
In addition, employers may offer incentives to workers to be vaccinated, as long as they are not coercive, it said, according to a report by Reuters.
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Federal Government Want Employers To “Incentivize” Workers To Get The COVID Jab
The vast majority of employers have been reluctant to require workers to be vaccinated. A survey by management-side law firm Fisher Phillips earlier this year found that only 9% of the more than 700 employers surveyed said they were considering mandating vaccines.
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
There is a desperate push to get people to take these shots. There could even be incentives to companies from the government to help them mandate the jab. Why they continue to force these shots now that everyone who wanted one has gotten one, has yet to be seen, but it’s become glaringly obvious that the state wants as many people as possible to willingly take this thing. If this shot was so great, wouldn’t everyone have taken it already? You don’t need to convince or incentivize people to do the right thing if it is actually the right thing.
Keep your critical thinking skills up to par. Use discernment when reading or listening to anything and make sure your preps are in order. No one really knows what’s coming, but we do know (as evidenced by the great toilet paper shortage of 2020) that those who are prepared for as many situations as possible and plans in place will fare much better than those who do not.
Article posted with permission from Mac Slavo