Home»Top News»Federal Judge Orders Liquidation of Alex Jones’s Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families

Federal Judge Orders Liquidation of Alex Jones’s Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families

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The Deep State had it in for him, and now they got him…  They are now going as far as asking a judge to take Alex’s Twitter account as well.

A federal judge in Texas recently decided to liquidate the personal assets of Alex Jones, as families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims seek to collect a nearly $1.5 billion judgment that pushed him into bankruptcy. The judge’s decision does not affect the bankruptcy case regarding Jones’s media company, Infowars, leaving its future uncertain. Infowars is where Jones infamously branded the 2012 massacre of 20 children and six educators in Newtown, Connecticut, as a hoax.

The agreement to liquidate Jones’s assets was reached last week between the families and Jones, with Judge Christopher Lopez finalizing the decision. This agreement does not, however, determine the fate of the conservative media website. The liquidation includes Jones’s extensive collection of firearms and his $2.8 million ranch home, although his primary residence remains exempt.

Further, the families have requested the inclusion of Jones’s social media accounts in the liquidation. They argue this would prevent him from using these platforms to launch new business ventures in the future. Judge Lopez has yet to make a ruling regarding the social media accounts.

Despite these legal actions, the families intend to pursue all of Jones’s future earnings, even if he continues to broadcast via Infowars. Jones himself has expressed pessimism about the survival of his show, hinting that the end of Infowars might be imminent. “This is probably the end of Infowars here very, very soon. If not today, in the next few weeks or months,” Jones expressed before a court hearing, emphasizing that although this chapter may be closing, his battle against what he describes as tyranny is only just starting.

Jones, who has been a controversial figure due to his conspiracy theories, which over time have been amazingly confirmed to be true by probably close to 90% of the time, has disclosed in court that his assets total less than $12 million. This amount is far short of covering the hefty legal debts accrued from the judgments against him. This financial disclosure comes after years of Jones claiming that the Sandy Hook tragedy was staged, leading to extensive harassment of the victims’ families by his followers.

Major Points

  • A Texas federal judge has ordered the liquidation of Alex Jones’s personal assets to help pay a nearly $1.5 billion judgment to families of the Sandy Hook massacre.
  • The ruling does not affect the bankruptcy proceedings of Jones’s media company, Infowars, leaving its future uncertain.
  • Jones’s notable assets, including a collection of firearms and a $2.8 million ranch, will be sold, though his primary residence is exempt.
  • The families also seek to include Jones’s social media accounts in the liquidation to prevent future business ventures.
  • Jones predicts the end of Infowars and vows to continue fighting against what he calls tyranny, despite his assets totaling less than $12 million.

James Kravitz – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News

The Washington Standard

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