Home»US»Flashback: Remember When James B. McDougal Was Added To The #ClintonBodyCount?

Flashback: Remember When James B. McDougal Was Added To The #ClintonBodyCount?

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With the mysterious jail death of Bill Clinton’s co-philanderer and aficionado of underage girls, Jeffrey Epstein, we have another possible entry on the Clinton hit list. Remember James B. McDougal who was in a federal prison in Ft. Worth (1998), serving a sentence and waiting to testify as a key witness for Independent Counsel, Kenneth Star on the Clinton Whitewater scandal?

McDougal had a history of serious heart problems and had complained of dizziness the night before he died. Mysteriously (a word most often associated with the deaths of Clinton associates) neither the prison doctor nor his two physician assistants came to Mr. McDougal’s cell to check on him.

What made the situation more mysterious is McDougal’s placement, the day prior, in an isolation cell without his heart medicine or his nitroglycerin tablets.

Could the jail poltergeists have struck again? Don’t I recall a very recent incident where Epstein suffered a beating in this same jail?

With Epstein dead, have all of the promised revelations regarding key figures associated with his child prostitution ring expired also? “Sorry, folks, we can’t prosecute or depose a corpse.”

As a former mental health professional who has been involved with suicide watches in jail systems, I can say it’s virtually impossible to kill yourself if standard precautions are followed. I guess he “may” have performed a swan dive off his bunk or ran into the wall repeatedly, but ask yourself: would a psychopathic narcissist like Epstein risk disfiguring or paralyzing himself?

Nah… don’t think so.

No pulse, no problem

What WILL happen to all the juicy career-toppling information on the “Who’s Who” in
Epstein’s inner circle? My guess is it will be buried with the body. James McDougal’s death put a real damper on Kenneth Starr’s Whitewater investigation…as in stopped it dead in its tracks.

Questions to ask yourself

  1. Will the U.S. Attorney’s Office Public Corruption Unit continue on with this case?
  2. Will Ghislane Maxwell, the alleged procurer of underage girls for Epstein, and also the
    living “little black book,” slip and fall in the shower?
  3. What about Sarah Kellen Vickers, another woman in Epstein’s inner circle. She
    received an immunity plea deal in Epstein’s earlier investigation and she probably knows
    a lot of names. She talked then…will she talk again…and to whom?
  4. Then there’s Haley Robson, the self-described Heidi Fleiss who admitted to recruiting
    underage girls for Epstein and his friends. She was never arrested or charged, so what did she give the investigators in return, and where is she now?
  5. And finally, where IS the Epstein wake going to be held? There will be a lot of big names
    celebrating, including royalty, maybe a former president, a governor, some senators, a
    renowned author, hotel magnate, and various and sundry other folks (not to say any of
    them were actually guilty). The only sad people at the wake will be the attorneys who
    hoped for big retainers from the above-mentioned group.

With Epstein gone will there be a flood of tell-all books streaming out of New York publishing houses? Perhaps a little scorched earth collateral damage? We can
only hope!

Editor Note: See more Epstein “suicide” articles below, and check back because more are coming.

David Brockett

Marine Pilot/Vietnam Vet
Horse packer/Ranger
Native Texan

Article posted with permission from Dean Garrison

The Washington Standard

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