Foreign-Born Population Up 4.5 Million Under Biden – A Massive 10% Increase Under Biden In 3 Years
The transformation continues.
The Center for Immigration Studies notes the latest census bureau numbers.
The Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) shows that the total foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) was 49.5 million in October 2023 — a 4.5 million increase since President Biden took office and a new record high. At 15 percent, the foreign-born share of the U.S. population is also the highest ever recorded in American history.
That appears to be a nearly 10% increase under Biden in 3 years. A fairly significant statistical surge.
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Obviously open borders and the millions of illegal migrants swarming in with fake asylum claims contribute to those numbers, but so does increased immigration. The border surge is part of the story, but only part of it, it’s being used to further expand legal immigration.
“Foreign-born” is not a slur. I’m foreign born myself. The issue is the rate of change. A massive amount of immigration destabilizes societies and causes chaos and social fracture. And the Biden administration has a notable preference for criminal and terror state migration anyway.
Most people now agree that the current rates are not sustainable. Major cities are screaming for help. But instead the administration keeps fighting any effort to restrict mass migration.
The goal is approaching ahead of schedule.
The scale of immigration is so high that it appears to have made the new Census Bureau population projections, published on November 9 of this year, obsolete. The bureau projected that the foreign-born share was not supposed to hit 15 percent until 2033.
We urgently have to hit the brakes on this or the country will simply come apart.
Article posted with permission from Daniel Greenfield