Remember Who Henry Kissinger Actually Was – Not What The Mockingbird Media Will Tell You About Him (Video)
On Thursday, we reported on the death of a truly wicked man, Henry Kissinger. I know the Mockingbird media and all his friends will hail him as some important and wonderful man who the world will miss. However, nothing could be further from the truth and many people are glad to see him gone.
So, as the media lauds their little antichrist, I thought it pertinent for people to hear for themselves what this devil said during his life.
This is just a snippet of many of the evil things that Kissinger said and was behind during his days influencing and corrupting our representatives.
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Share it with those who are buying the official narrative from the Mockingbird media.
PS: Yes, I know there are some edited clips to make him say “Kill everybody” in this, but I think it’s to prove the point about the bigger picture. So, just pay attention to the interviews that are played and ignore the edited FOX video.
Finally, to see how it’s all connected, journalist Glenn Greenwald put together a system update on the murderous life and legacy of Kissinger below.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media