High-Speed Chase Highlights Deadly Situation Along Border
When we talk about the current immigration situation in America, the first response we hear from the left and the uninformed is that the system is broken. We need reform to the system. We need to fix the system to make it easier for these people to get here legally. This is not the issue, at least not all the issue. The system is not broken; we simply are not using it at all, and a recent event in Texas highlights this.
Breitbart reports:
At least six illegal immigrants from Honduras and Guatemala have been killed, multiple others injured, and two arrested following a high-speed chase that ended with a crash in the rural town of Edna just northwest of Victoria, Texas. At least 15 people were crammed into the SUV.
Now, one must ask why these people were crammed into this SUV. We know that this is an unusual amount of people to have in an SUV. Well, the reason is easy to understand.
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Breitbart continues:
According to ABC13, authorities believe the crash is a failed human smuggling attempt. They also reported that the middle seat in the SUV had been removed and the rear seat had been folded down in order to fit more people. Preliminary information points to the crash victims as having been from Honduras and Guatemala.
So, the driver was or is a human trafficker/smuggler. The driver was attempting to smuggle these people across the border illegally. You see, these people were breaking the law and, as a consequence, they ran afoul of the law. But is this not what happens to lawbreakers? And one Sheriff has had about enough.
Breitbart reports:
Jackson County Sheriff A.J. Louderback said the incident “highlights our President’s complete disregard for the rule of law,” in response to an inquiry from Breitbart Texas’ Lana Shadwick.
“The worst part,” the sheriff continued, “is that most Texans and most Americans don’t know about the complete disembowelment of our nation’s immigration system.”
We have to recognize that the Sheriff is a little frustrated, which I am sure that you can understand. If you were given a job and then was told not to perform that job, it might be a little frustrating; especially, when we consider that this looking the other way on illegals is endangering the lives of the people Louderback was hired to protect.
Breitbart concludes, “Louderback has been quite outspoken about the Obama Administration’s cutback on the deportation of criminal illegal aliens and the new Priority Enforcement Program he believes is handcuffing American sheriff’s and keeping them from their duty of keeping their communities safe.”
When will the American public wake up to illegal actions of this administration? I hope that it is before it is too late.
*Article by Michael Ware