“Historians” “Discover” Queen Elizabeth Is Related To Muhammad
This story is so ridiculous that even Britain’s most ridiculous paper, the Daily Mail, ought to be ashamed to publish it.
No one could possibly know with the slightest degree of certainty that he or she is descended from Muhammad, which the dhimmi Daily Mail dutifully always refers to as “the Prophet Muhammad,” as if we’re all Muslims now.
The main reason why this is so is that it is highly doubtful that Muhammad, as least as he is portrayed in the Hadith and Sira, ever existed at all — as I explain at length in my book Did Muhammad Exist?.
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Muhammad is supposed to have died in 632, but the earliest biography of him dates from around 750 or 760, and most of the hadith literature from the 800s.
That’s a century-and-a-half gap between the man and the first details of his life. It would be as if the first biography of Abraham Lincoln had just been published a few decades ago, and there were no older written records about him.
No one would be able to be sure what was fact and what was legend, and that is exactly the case with Muhammad.
His genealogy is as legendary as he is.
In light of that, to say that Queen Elizabeth is descended from Muhammad is like saying she is descended from Robin Hood, or Macbeth.
Also, given the status that Muhammad holds in Islam, it became an honor to be descended from him, and numerous people fabricated genealogical records to show that they were of Muhammad’s family.
Pakistan, Iran and other Muslim countries are full of sayyids, i.e., people claiming to be descended from Muhammad, but Muhammad is supposed to have been an Arab from Mecca.
His descendants may have traveled into Asia and intermarried with Persians and Indians, but it is far more likely that all these sayyids are trying to get ahead in their societies, and that is the sole reason and justification for their claim.
What this story is really all about is the ongoing attempt to make Britons accept Islamization.
See, Queen Elizabeth is a relative of Muhammad, old boy, so why are you so “Islamophobic” and opposed to jihad terror, Sharia courts that oppress women, Muslim rape gangs, and the rest of the cultural enrichment that Islam has brought to Britain?
Relax: jihad is as British as bubble and squeak!
“Is the Queen related to Prophet Muhammad? Historians believe Elizabeth II is a descendant of the founder of Islam after tracing her family tree back 43 generations,” by Katie French, Mailonline, April 6, 2018 (thanks to Tom):
Historians believe the Queen is a descendant to the founder of Islam – after tracing her family tree back 43 generations.
The claim makes the British monarch a distant ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad.
The findings were first published in 1986 by Burke’s Peerage, a British authority on royal pedigrees.
But the claim has recently resurfaced after a Moroccan newspaper said it had traced the queen’s lineage back to the Prophet.
According to their findings, Elizabeth II’s bloodline runs through the Earl of Cambridge in the 14th century, across medieval Muslim Spain, to Fatima, the Prophet’s daughter.
Although disputed by some historians, genealogical records of early-medieval Spain also support the claim and it has also been verified by Ali Gomaa, the former grand mufti of Egypt….
The study from Burke’s Peerage first officially suggested the Queen’s connection to the Prophet Muhammad.
They claimed the Queen descends from a Muslim princess called Zaida, who fled her home town of Seville in the 11th century before converting to Christianity.
Zaida was the fourth wife of King Al-Mu’tamid ibn Abbad of Seville. She bore him a son Sancho, whose descendant later married the Earl of Cambridge in the 11th century.
But British magazine the Spectator points out Zaida’s origins are ‘debatable’. Some historians believe she was the daughter of a wine-drinking caliph descended from the Prophet. Others say she married into his family….
Abdelhamid Al-Auouni welcomed the news in his piece in Moroccan newspaper Al-Ousboue, writing: ‘It builds a bridge between our two religions and kingdoms.’…
One person on internet forum Reddit rubbished the claims however, writing: ‘This is just propaganda used by the British monarchy to appease the growing number of Muslim subjects.’…
Article posted with permission from Robert Spencer