Home»Commentary»I Am Surprised That He Made It Down The Street: CEO Of Pfizer Caught & Confronted On The Streets Of Davos (Video)

I Am Surprised That He Made It Down The Street: CEO Of Pfizer Caught & Confronted On The Streets Of Davos (Video)

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“I am surprised that he made it down the street.”

We see it all day long, people falling over dead suddenly from these experimental “vaccines” (John. 8:44).  As a matter of fact, you cannot even scroll social media platforms without seeing 3-5 famous people a day that have died from these shots.

We also know that Big Pharma, along with the corrupt in this government, are in alliance (Isaiah 28:18) and despite the facts, they are still pushing their criminal, genocidal agenda forward (Jeremiah 11:9).

I must honestly say that for all the innocent, on a global basis, that have cruelly suffered at the hands of these criminals, I am surprised that they have made it this far without falling into the hands of one of their victims. After all, history does teach all of us that you can only oppress a people for so long before they retaliate.

Friends, without further ado, below is Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was recently caught and confronted on the streets of Davos.

Article posted with permission from Bradlee Dean.

The Washington Standard

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