Just A Reminder As To Who Is Responsible For Engineering Jan 6 & Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot – The F.B.I.
“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” Angel of Death, Josef Mengele
The brown shirts were an arm of Adolph Hitler’s regime that were sent out to create insurrection among the people only to be used to blame his political opposition for what it was that he was responsible (Revelation 12:10).
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When it comes to the plot to kidnap Michigan’s tyrant Gretchen Whitmer, it was quite obvious as to what was transpiring after she was dethroned on 2 different occasions for her un-constitutional edicts by the state’s supreme court. Someone had to help her get out of that position by placing her in the place of the victim, and before the weekend passed, there it was. Innocent Americans accused of a crime that was engineered by the F.B.I. (Proverbs 17:15).
Red Voice reported: The FBI ‘Invented Conspiracy’ To Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, Motion Claims
Lawyers representing the five men who have been charged with a plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer are asking a judge to dismiss all charges by claiming that the FBI fabricated the entire plan in an attempt to trap them in a conspiracy.
Daily Mail reported that Barry Croff, 44, Adam Fox, 40, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, 23, and Brandon Caserta were all arrested in October of last year for allegedly planning to kidnap Whitmer because they were upset by her COVID-19 restrictions. The federal complaint alleges that the men planned to kidnap Whitmer from her vacation home and hide her away in an undisclosed location.
“The government initiated this case, despite the fact that it knew there was no plan to kidnap, no operational plan, and no details about how a kidnapping would occur or what would happen afterward,” defense lawyer Scott Graham wrote in his motion, which is 20 pages long.
The motion went on to claim that were it not for an FBI informant embedded within the group, known as “Dan,” who encouraged the plot and pledged to fund it through a charity organization, the men never would have hatched the plan on their own. Though the men discussed the plot in secret meetings and via text messages, with the FBI claiming that they trained for it, their lawyers allege that they had such little money that they would not even be able to travel to Whitmer’s home to carry it out.
“The evidence here demonstrates egregious overreaching by the government’s agents, and by the informants, those agents handled,” the motion stated. “When the government was faced with evidence showing that the defendants had no interest in a kidnapping plot, it refused to accept failure and continued to push its plan.”
Conclusion: So, next time the mainstream media promulgates that these unconstitutional agencies (F.B.I., CIA etc…) uncovered some sort of plot, do consider there is a long history of them being found to be the responsible party in engineering the very crimes in which they accuse others of committing.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media. Article by Bradlee Dean.