Home»US»Liberals Announce Their Plan To Destroy ‘Normal Americans’ In Civil War

Liberals Announce Their Plan To Destroy ‘Normal Americans’ In Civil War

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Applauded by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, liberals have devised a plan they think will destroy normal Americans in a new “Civil War.” But here’s the spoiler alert: it’s isn’t really that good of a plan, to begin with.

San Francisco-based social media platform Twitter isn’t known for their unbiased approach to social media.

Now, the CEO applauded an article in something called Medium in which the writer of said article described how liberals intend to crush Normal Americans into serfdom in a bloodless “civil war.”

The goal of the “war” will be to turn the entire United States into California by offering up a supermajority of liberals in political power.  Because that’s working out so well in California: homelessness is spiking uncontrollably, the tax burden is forcing people to leave, regulations are shutting businesses, housing costs have soared to unbearable levels, and few have basic human rights there unless they pay the government for permission. 


Townhall said it best:

“Why do a bunch of San Francisco dorks think that 150 million Americans with 300 million guns are just going to give up their rights and their say in their own governance and submit to the commands of people who eat kale by choice?” That’s a fair question, and they have an answer.

Because you just are.

I didn’t say it was a good answer.

All humor aside, the article didn’t actually lay out anything that could even remotely be considered a war plan. And the problem with liberals taking over is the same as it’s been throughout history.

Normal Americans are not going to simply give up their rights and their self-determination because a bunch of liberals want them to.

Sure, the weaponization of culture with corporations and tech companies trying to silence and marginalize decent citizens is troubling, but in short order, there will be a backlash as Normals react to these new, overtly fascist tactics. –Townhall

Even with enough brainwashing and propaganda, eventually, most people will figure out that they are being controlled.  Humans don’t want to be controlled; the default has always been freedom.

Once they figure it out, a liberal government will crumble and that may happen well before there’s any hope of convincing those who actually exercise their rights to give them up.

The harsh reality is that a Civil War would not be something, anyone, liberals included, should hope for. The last one in the United State was bloody and pitted brother against brother and shouldn’t be an aspiration.

But when people are intentionally disregarded and oppressed, they will often react.

It almost feels like liberals want to push people to a war then point their fingers and say “ha! We told you so! THEY are the violent ones!”

Article posted with permission from SHTFPlan

The Washington Standard

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