Home»US»Lois Lerner’s Secret Email Account Revealed Mimicking Hillary’s Coverup – Leads All The Way To White House

Lois Lerner’s Secret Email Account Revealed Mimicking Hillary’s Coverup – Leads All The Way To White House

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First it was a destroyed hard drive, then it was a busted Blackberry and now we find out Lois Lerner used another personal e-mail account “[email protected]” to conduct government business that utilized the alias “Toby Miles.” It was a mere accident that the “Toby Miles” address was discovered,  in the criminal complaint from the House Ways and Means Committee because a message was sent that was copied to Lerner’s official address:

tob1 copy

This IRS targeting scandal has more twists than an old episode of Law and Order. Lerner’s tactics to Hillary Clinton’s secret email server, and recalling how the IRS stalled for months by pretending another trove of Lerner correspondence had been lost to history because her hard drive went kablooey (as modern hard drives so rarely do) and no backups had been made, in defiance of every single agency and Administration policy covering data security, except backups had been made, and they were found within hours of someone actually, you know, looking for them.

So why Lerner as well as Hillary would need an e-mail address under a false identity?

What we have been reporting on for years on Hillary, Huma Abedin, Lerner and others, while few listened at the time, the perfect storm hit and the facts came to roost. Nothing can be hidden for long. The snow always melts and the dirt hidden under it will be revealed. Lerner was into many things illegal, from her own attacks on Tea Party conservatives to playing favoritism aiding and abetting Malik Obama, president Obama’s brother. Malik Obama has extensive ties to the government of Sudan and Malik’s role asExecutive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) which he helps lead as Executive Director. IDO is a member organization of “The Union of Good” (UG), which the U.S. Treasury designated as “Terrorist”. There is one very uncomfortable fact that such skeptics simply cannot refute; Lois Lerner’s signature is at the bottom of Malik Obama’s 501(c)(3) approval letter. That signature was put there after calls for an investigation by the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) in May of 2011. It was also put there after illegally back-dating the tax-exempt status 38 months.

Malik Obama's Foundation approved by Lois Lerner on June 26, 2011.

Lois Lerner's signature at the bottom of Malik Obama's tax-exempt approval letter.


During these days of investigation, Fox reported “The IRS said it cannot locate many of Lerner’s emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed during the summer of that year” and that:

 Lerner headed the IRS division that processed applications for tax-exempt status. The IRS acknowledged last year that agents had improperly scrutinized applications for tax-exempt status by Tea Party and other conservative groups.

The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees. The agency said it pieced together the emails from the computers of 83 other IRS employees.

But an untold number are gone. Camp’s office said the missing emails aremainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, “such as the White House,Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices.”

There were “750,000 documents” missing. Overall, the IRS said it is producing only “67,000 emails” to and from Lerner, covering the period from 2009 to 2013. Why are only all the correspondence to the White House, Treasury and DOJ missing?

Lerner’s troubles mimics Hilary’s affair with private emails where the pertinent emails were also “missing” some of which were “classified” which were later “found”. With new revelations on email scandals, this one would most likely lead to the White House. It is time for the FBI to widen their investigation on these scandals. Concealing information from Congress is considered a major offense, punishable by fines and significant jail time.
*Article by Walid Shoebat

The Washington Standard

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