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Mainstream Media Wants To Cancel Thanksgiving

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The mainstream media is telling people to cancel their Thanksgiving.  They say it’s to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Social media users content living in tyranny are already shaming those who are choosing to continue living their lives.

“At the risk of sounding like the Thanksgiving Grinch, let me be clear: A big feast with all of your loved ones is unnecessary, perhaps even immoral, during a global pandemic,” writes Suzette Hackney for USA Today.  “There really should be no debate. COVID-19 has canceled traditional Thanksgiving,” Hackney adds.

These puppets for the draconian elitists in government and the banking system desperately want your life to be upended and to destroy what it means to be a human. Why do you think they are pushing masks which have been shown to be ineffective at preventing the coronavirus? Because it’s a ritualistic dehumanizing shame ritual. 

CDC Study: Most COVID-19 Cases Were Admitted Mask Wearers

Last week, Chicago’s mayor issued a stay-at-home advisory effective for 30 days. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer shut down in-person classes at high schools and colleges, along with indoor dining, casinos, and movie theaters for three weeks. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee restricted indoor gatherings, eat-in restaurants, and shuttered gyms for at least four weeks. On Monday, officials in Philadelphiaannounced that all public or private indoor gatherings of any size are banned at least through Jan. 1. California Gov. Gavin Newsom also announced that indoor dining, gyms, and movie theaters must either remain closed or shut down in 41 of the state’s 58 counties. –USA Today

Ohio & Illinois Order More Lockdowns and Restrictions As COVID-19 Cases Surge

This tyranny will not end until we as the public on a whole decide that we’ve had enough.  It’s up to us. The mainstream media is also propagating the public with an attempt to convince them to let go of all of their freedom, including privacy within their own homes.

The problem is what people are doing behind closed doors. It’s what we don’t see that is contributing to surging numbers of cases. –Suzette Hackney for USA Today

The “hope” the mainstream media is sticking to is that a vaccine is on the horizon.  Just roll up your sleeve and take this rushed concoction of God only knows what and everything will be fine. Except, they have already said a vaccine won’t make things go back to normal.

They Moved The Goalposts…AGAIN!: “It’s Not Over When The Vaccine Arrives”

Article posted with permission from Mac Slavo

The Washington Standard

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