Home»Videos»Massive Explosion in Tianjin, China Sends Shock Waves For Six Miles

Massive Explosion in Tianjin, China Sends Shock Waves For Six Miles

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A massive explosion has rocked Tianjin, China killing seven people and injuring 300 others. Reports say that the blast was so powerful it created a mushroom cloud and triggered an earthquake that was felt up to six miles away.

State broadcaster CCTV reported that the blast — which created a huge mushroom cloud and triggered a quake that could be felt up to six miles away — happened at Tianjin Dongjiang Port Rui Hai International Logistics Co. Ltd., which handles the transport of hazardous goods. (Source)


Seven people were killed and hundreds were injured Wednesday night in two massive explosions caused by flammable goods at a container terminal in northern China’s Tianjin municipality.

They said the explosion have shattered windows, doors, shook their apartment buildings and sent people to the streets. Some have reported chemical gas leaks.

The China Earthquake Networks Center reported that the first explosion had a 2.3 degree magnitude (equivalent to 3 tons of TNT), and the second had a 2.9 degree magnitude(equivalent to 21 tons of TNT).

Source: The People’s Daily


Several days ago explosions rocked northern Iran, with early eye witness and news reports indicating that a meteor was to blame for what one witness called destruction on an unimaginable scale. Most interesting about the event in Iran is that neither NASA or the mainstream U.S. media mentioned it in their daily news briefs.

In China, officials claim that the cause of the mushroom cloud explosion was the result of flammable goods.

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Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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