Minnesota Governor: Find another State if You Don’t Want Muslim “Refugees” Here
Governor Mark Dayton attended a community conversation about race hosted by the St. Cloud NAACP and told people who have been questioning refugee resettlement in the central Minnesota region to “find another state.”
This mirrors the German authorities who told a small town of 3,000 that is being forced to absorb 4,000 Muslim migrants, “If you don’t like hosting refugees in your town, you can leave the country.”
“MN Governor Dayton: Don’t like immigrants, get out of Minnesota!” By Ann Corcoran, Refugee Resettlement Watch, October 16, 2015
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Earlier this week, in St. Cloud, MN, the Democrat Governor of the State—Mark Dayton—made it pretty clear to those who have been questioning the mass importation of Somali refugees to the state—too bad for you, find another place to live.
Oh, and following on the point I’ve been making over the last few days, here, here and here, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was there. As I said, CAIR is now take an up front position on more refugee resettlement (and you can be sure it isn’t the Syrian Christians they are worried about!).
My guess is that CAIR was hoping the whole concept of the Hijra (Mohammed’s demand that Muslims migrate as a form of jihad) would not be out in the open and that we wouldn’t notice until it was too late, but we have. So now they are openly pushing refugee resettlement.
From the Daily Globe (thanks to all who sent it):
St. CLOUD — Harsh words and heartfelt sentiment were exchanged by community members and local officials on racial issues in Central Minnesota at the St. Cloud NAACP Community Conversation with Gov. Mark Dayton. [I don’t get it, doesn’t the NAACP know that all the migrants are taking jobs that African Americans need?—ed]
Hosted Tuesday at St. Cloud Public Library, about 100 people from diverse backgrounds gathered to ask questions of St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis, St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson, State Rep. Jim Knoblach, Minnesota Human Rights Commissioner Kevin Lindsey, Council on Black Minnesotans Community Program Specialist Kolloh Nimley and St. Cloud AFYA Pharmacy co-owner Dr. Edris Kosar.
From the start of the event, Dayton bluntly stated his opinions on the racial tension in St. Cloud and across the state in regards to immigration.
“Look around you. This is Minnesota,” Dayton said. “Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago. … This is Minnesota and you have every right to be here. And anybody who cannot accept your right to be here, and this is Minnesota, should find another state.”
Dayton said he was aware of some of the racial issues happening in the St. Cloud area and urged participants to take a stand against what he described as “unacceptable, un-Minnesotan, illegal and immoral” behavior.
“If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state. Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota. It’s not going to be again. It’s not going to be that in St. Cloud, or Rochester or Worthington,” Dayton said.
CAIR was there!
Another audience member took issue with the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, accusing the organization of being supported by terrorists.
CAIR Minnesota Executive Director Jaylani Hussein, who had previously addressed the crowd on his concerns on racial tension said his organization is not affiliated with terrorist groups.
See “Breeding terrorists in Minnesota,” here.
Minnesota has developed very active ‘Pockets of Resistance.’ See especially our lengthy archive on St. Cloud by clicking here.
Changing the subject slightly!
Find out what health problems refugees are bringing to Minnesota!
Metro Refugee Health Task Force, here. “Medically complex cases” entering Minnesota!
Some of you involved in the resistance in the state should attend these important meetings (next one is Nov. 3). Follow the links, but here is what they say about the September meeting and what was discussed (remember you are paying for all of this!):
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Refugee and International Health Program (RIHP) staff presented on the latest refugee arrival and health screening data; medically complex cases; special projects and community engagement; and emerging health issues.
I contend that if more Americans knew how much disease/parasites etc. were coming in with refugees they would be shocked into action—likely fearing disease more than Islamic terrorists!
*Article by Pamela Geller
Pamela Geller’s commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books